Just In
for Small Moment

8/19/2015 c1 Guest
Oh, drat. The site has deleted my math symbols, so now I must cheat and leave a guest review to tell you that I meant to say, Big Man plus Baby equals Too Cute. And it was. Still squealing, actually. In fact, this story totally deserves two reviews. Awesome!
8/19/2015 c1 kankusan
STAAAHP! Big man baby too cute! I can't stand it, people! *falls over dead*

Adorable. Loved it. Thank you.
2/8/2015 c1 15daisyscrapper
There are many great moments in this single chapter.
I can imagine Jennifer's feelings of inadequacy when interacting with Teyla. Although she should never compare herself, Jennifer's strengths also may make her feel weak in areas Teyla is strongest.
Ronon's love for holding a baby was endearing.
I love Teyla's matchmaking in the end. And of course, I wanted more because I think very easily Teyla and John could've been a couple in the show. I can imagine her matchmaking attempts turning around on her from spending too much time with John.
11/25/2014 c1 Guest
sneaky Teyla!
10/14/2014 c1 Guest
I know it says complete but it would be neat to see how Teyla finagles them into babysitting and to see the growing of their relationship through these "dates".
9/28/2014 c1 177Lorelei Candice Black
I liked it. Sweet and nice.
9/20/2014 c1 Guest
tricky, tricky Teyla :o)
9/20/2014 c1 58ladygris
I haven't read SGA fanfic for a long time, but this was so worth it! Jennifer and Ronon seemed so at ease with one another, and Teyla's little ruse with John was perfect!
9/20/2014 c1 2metgate
Nicely written. The 'Intentions' were subtly shown throughout.
9/19/2014 c1 131LMXB
That was such a cute story, had me grinning like an idiot start to finish. Thanks for writing.
9/19/2014 c1 68everlovin
Loved it! So sweet!
9/19/2014 c1 22hifield
As always, this was a wonderful slice of time spent with our favorite couple. I'm still smiling! Loved the ending ... totally surprised me.

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