Just In
for Here We Go Again!

4/8/2016 c31 2trinity456
So glad that they've made up! It was so terrifying and heartbreaking to see them quarrel and hit the rocks in their relationship
2/16/2016 c30 Cassie505
Dam I had a feeling something wasn't right with that candy.
2/13/2016 c30 Benji.M.Bling
Fudge! Right when everything was getting better, man. Please don't kill the babies! They're only BABIES! TT_TT
2/12/2016 c28 Dontgotaclue88
So awesome! Beast is bad ass! Whoot! Lol Sesshomaru is a idiot. "Cough" Sorry had to be said lol. Looking forward to your next chapter. :)
11/23/2015 c26 Guest
Thank you for the new chapter!
10/9/2015 c22 Dontgotaclue88
Wiw! Just loved your first story and now this one. So looking forward to more of these two ! ;)
9/9/2015 c22 trinity456
Love this story very much! I'd love to see more romance and fluff between the two though- you've carved out their relationship beautifully! Please update soon!
7/10/2015 c20 7nacheell
Really short please update soon with a longer chapter I can't wait for the next chapter
6/9/2015 c18 nacheell
Please update soon I can't wait for the next chapter
6/7/2015 c17 nacheell
Awesome please update soon
6/7/2015 c17 Victoria Cullen 42
good chapter so for I love it a lot and I cant wait for a new chapter to be put up and boy someone what grandkids badly in this story big time
5/10/2015 c16 Guest
Love this story please update soon I can't wait to see their pups lol
5/8/2015 c16 Victoria Cullen 42
good chapter so for I love it a lot and I cant wait for a new chapter to be put up and I hope she will be ok with having a lot of kids in this story big time and I hope sesshomaru will be ok having girls in this story if have a girl in this story I bet he going to be having fun bugging he's little girl nuts one she a teen in this story ones she what to have a soul mate in this story and I bet sesshomaru is going to be a big time papa brae in this story big time
4/9/2015 c15 1NekoKennedyChan
I am so glad that you have returned to fill our lives with this beautiful romance! I struggle to find fan stories sometimes that sate my imagination and fill a craving of non-cannon plots, and when I stumbled upon your writing style I -quite literally- jumped for joy. The action, romance, fun, and seriousness that is so well blended in your style are amazing. Please keep writing, and I cannot wait to read your next installments! XOXO
4/9/2015 c15 2sesshyayame the best
He just wanted a cookie... so he calls his fiance fat.
I think fiance is in denial.
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