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for Resolute, a Pride and Prejudice variation

4/29 c12 Guest
Darcy doesn't answer to the cunt Colonel so why should he know everything in Darcy's life
4/29 c12 Guest
Asshole Colonel. Why bother with a E & D HEA possibility when this story was going nowhere.
1/4 c1 1JeodoDan
This is outstanding. I know it has been a few years but I encourage you to continue. I saw in your bio you have a number of different talents but indulge your writing muse more often!
12/10/2023 c12 Larry0348
I thoroughly enjoyed this story. ‘Tis a shame it was written in 2015 (for it is 2023 now) and never finished however the story ended on a happy note and my imagination can perfectly finish it for my own enjoyment. Thank you for writing this lovely piece of art.
10/20/2023 c1 shezdev
This is fantastic. hope this continues
5/8/2023 c7 MelodieMLB
Wow! Terrific story!
5/8/2023 c5 MelodieMLB
Thank you. This is a fast paced, gripping story, and I'm really enjoying it.
9/26/2022 c12 Levenez
The dreaded moment has comeI have read to the end of the published part of this story…As I have written before you are writing beautifully, particularly when it comes to ODC emotions and feelings. The way you have re-arranged canon works perfectly and I can only like this Bingley that stands up for what he wants. Thank you so much.
9/26/2022 c11 Levenez
I am really loving the story and how you get us to understand their feelings and emotions…
9/25/2022 c10 Levenez
I enjoy very much how you write. The turmoil our main characters are experiencing is well described and the minute different expression as well.
9/25/2022 c8 Levenez
I can only hope that you have published ODC meeting again in the next 3 chapters. Darcy is really feeling of the difficulties of his situation…
9/25/2022 c7 Levenez
Another strong chapter. I like how you are showing the changes in all the characters, and even more so ODC. What a powerful and honest heart to heart between the two siblings. Though not all was disclosed
9/25/2022 c6 Levenez
What a chapter…. Your version of Hunsford and the self reflection by Darcy! But there is hope. And what a clever way to give us a quick summary of Darcy’s past…
9/25/2022 c2 Levenez
Poor Darcy! He is sooo oblivious to what’s happening h! Has Bingley caught up on Darcy’s infatuation?
9/25/2022 c1 Levenez
What a fantastic chapter to start the story! Like the review by Anne-Netherland I start reading this story knowing it is unfinished and not updated for quite some time… so little hope of further updatenonetheless we can hopeAnyway, this “confrontation” between the two gentlemen was beautifully written.
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