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for Uzumaki Naruko: To the Victor, the Spoils V2

11/8/2023 c5 2AvidReader2425
Thank you for yet another really excellent and very entertaining chapter, appreciate the work you put into it
11/8/2023 c4 AvidReader2425
Thank you very much for another excellent chapter, and some really awesome fights
11/8/2023 c3 AvidReader2425
Thank you very much for another excellent chapter
11/8/2023 c2 AvidReader2425
Thanks for another, entertaining chapter
11/8/2023 c1 AvidReader2425
Thank you very much for a highly entertaining opening chapter
11/8/2023 c48 11chm01
Sasuke won without using the gouken, gotta say that was very good fight
11/8/2023 c48 Amir2000
Very happy to see another chapter. It was a great one, hope to see the next one soon!
11/8/2023 c48 JarredCarney
so will sasuke turn traitor or is gonna be a ally because with the evil seal users revealed naruko will need all the help she can get and the sharingan would be useful in that regard.
11/8/2023 c48 jeremiahkelley93
Great chapter.
11/8/2023 c48 14Power of Magic
That was quite a match, and I wouldn't be surprised if Orochimaru is internally licking his lips, at seeing what Sasuke was capable of. I look forward to the next match, and see who wins that one
11/8/2023 c48 AdrianVnz
Hahahaha, the conversations between Hiruzen and Orochimaru are funny as hell, i also loved what you ahve done with Sasuke so far, like still in characters but not an evil bastard nor blindly arrogant.

Almost wish pairing him with Naruko was an option xD (and i normally hate the pairing even with genderbend)

Can't wait for Game of Life next, and for its characters to reach the same level of development as here.
11/8/2023 c47 ethan.lukkar
magnificent chapter can't wait for more please update soon
11/8/2023 c48 ElementalMaster16
Pretty cool chapter!
11/8/2023 c48 1buterflypuss
good chap
11/8/2023 c48 UnsanMusho
That was a great match between Sasuke and Lee. Can't wait for the next match.
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