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for Uzumaki Naruko: To the Victor, the Spoils V2

8/31/2024 c49 Razorwire Roze
Gotta say, this is most certainly one of the more well defined fics I've seen. Looking very much forward to the rest of the story in its entirety.
8/19/2024 c1 Guest
Would be great if this had Naruto and Naruko. Could be amusing to have a protective sister who coaxed him into being more and together are far more impressive overall. Rivaling and even surpassing Sasuke due to his sisters support and perhaps even getting setup by her playing matchmaker.

Whether she intends to be part of it or not. Or share or not.
8/4/2024 c49 Paul Lenzen
This was a great chapter
7/31/2024 c49 ThunderClaw03
The next match will be extremely intense with the History that Ino and Sakura have. I will love to see the fruits of all there training finally come together. See you next time
7/31/2024 c48 ThunderClaw03
Great job keep it up. Lee did his best and kept his promise to Gai. Hopefully he recovers before the invasion starts
7/31/2024 c47 ThunderClaw03
Wonderful match between Hinata and Neji. They did there best to defeat each other. It’s amazing to see how far they’ve come
7/3/2024 c49 E.Elliot
I love it! thanks for the amazing chapter!
7/2/2024 c49 Farenthorn14789
Read what you've done so far a few times and it was enjoyable. When is the next chapter coming out?
7/1/2024 c1 Soul Sendant
naruto is male. if only we did not tolerate mental illness the faggots, dikes and their even more confused trash counterparts wouldnt be an issue. humans are such garbage, just slightly smarter animals that are very violent and suffer from the delusion that this planet belongs to them when we are the only species who is destroying it and all life on it due to our ignorance and a false superiority complex. I sincerely hope for the sake of the life that exists elsewhere in the universe that the plague known as humanity gets wiped out before we can spread away from this planet.
6/24/2024 c49 3Dawn Ryder113

kinda hope for less filler in the future and more sex scenes though.

I didn’t come here for the combat or to read everyone else’s training.

I came here for Naruko and lesbianism.
6/15/2024 c49 Dehaka
Someone copied your issei the gamer story they called it the gamer arsenal no webnovel
6/14/2024 c49 Eltzu
Next, please. It's so good.
6/14/2024 c49 15Leaf Ranger
MAkes sense, Temari would be one of the worst enemies for Shino to fight. Unless he could sneak his insects onto her while she was distracted, he'd have no chance of beating her in an open fight.

Overall, good chapter, keep it up.
6/12/2024 c3 roboticpangolin
Uzukage means whirlpool shadow
6/10/2024 c49 LeoniLiponscovi2
Awesome fic!
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