Just In
for Uzumaki Naruko: To the Victor, the Spoils V2

2/28/2024 c48 Jake the Snake
Looking forward to see Temari vs. Shino.
2/28/2024 c47 Jake the Snake
Glad to see Hinata won.
2/27/2024 c45 Jake the Snake
Glad to see there was a peaceful solution between the summon bosses.
2/27/2024 c44 Jake the Snake
Nice Training Montage chapter.
2/26/2024 c43 Jake the Snake
I hope Saritobi survives the invasion.
2/28/2024 c48 29Kairan1979
Looking forward to see the Invasion.
2/26/2024 c42 Jake the Snake
It'll be ironic if Naruko defeats Gasta thanks to the jutsu she traded from Temari.
2/26/2024 c42 Kairan1979
Looking forward to see Naruko's training with Sannin.
2/22/2024 c31 Jake the Snake
Shikaku did an excellent job. Too bad it wasn't enough.
2/22/2024 c28 Jake the Snake
Once again, damn the prudes who forced you to delete the Lemon.
2/23/2024 c39 Kairan1979
Ino winning against Tenten and Sakura winning against Kiba? Now that's a surprise.
2/23/2024 c38 Kairan1979
So Kabuto lost deliberately, but drew Anko's suspicions.
2/23/2024 c37 Kairan1979
So Clans of Darkness invervened again. As if Orochimaru wasn't enough.
2/23/2024 c36 Kairan1979
Trust it to Naruko to power through the obstacle thanks to her determination.
2/21/2024 c19 Jake the Snake
Looking forward to see Hinata's confession.
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