Just In
for Uzumaki Naruko: To the Victor, the Spoils V2

2/22/2024 c34 29Kairan1979
Great battle scene so far.
2/22/2024 c32 Kairan1979
It was a question of time before Naruko lost; lasting so long against Orochimaru is still a partial victory.
2/20/2024 c8 Jake the Snake
Looking forward to see Bakashi demoted.
2/20/2024 c3 Jake the Snake
Looking forward to see Kurenai's team dealing with the invaders.
2/21/2024 c25 Kairan1979
Great Uzumaki bridge sounds bettert than Great Naruto Bridge.
2/21/2024 c23 Kairan1979
Glad to see Naruko succeeded to bond her sword to her, and, with Kushina's help, developed her Adamantium chains.
2/20/2024 c12 Kairan1979
Pleased to see that the C-Rank isn't another repeat of Wave mission.
2/20/2024 c11 Kairan1979
I agree that Naruto got overconfident in that fight.
2/20/2024 c10 Kairan1979
At least Kiba has some excuse for his behavior - his mind was messed up.
1/22/2024 c48 1jerryagresor
I just realized something. If we take into account that Naruko's henge is physical, couldn't she make herself a penis? and, you know, when the time comes, you know what
1/19/2024 c17 Robotdocter
what in the hell is wrong with Kurenai? i get she's the team leader but jesus christ she acts like she's in charge of absolutely everything and if she doesnt like what others are doing she thinks its right to punish them or tell them off.

other than that which ive been so annoyed and confused about for the last several chapters, finally killed that damn tree XD
cant wait to see the aftermath and whats next, i think i know what the next arc is and im excited :o
1/18/2024 c11 Robotdocter
two things,
1: why would sakura think after basically mentally torturing someone would she be in any way justified in then assaulting said person after she woke back up after being taken out of the fight? that makes literally no sense.
2: why is Sasuke not immediately disqualified for the attack that everyone saw was intended to be lethal, with the Kage himself and several jonin watching on the side there to witness it?

i dont care about whether or not people think she's a Mary Sue btw, im not abhorrent to the idea of an op character in fanfiction, thats the point of fanfiction lol.
1/12/2024 c48 9Dragon Man 180
Very nice fight between Lee and Sasuke, both were awesome and got to show off a bit! I loved Lee's use of the staff and Sasuke's variety of jutsu!
11/25/2023 c1 6Irish Shift
I love this story and really wish I could download it to listen at work would ou ever consider possible posting this over on Ao3?
11/23/2023 c21 Rios
Question of proginy
If yuri only, will they discover a "grow male equipment temporarily jutsu" or are you gonna go a rout similar to the rwby fic linked in life and love.
Definitely read that too, great story with good romance
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