9/30/2014 c1
I really like this; I can completely see Lin calling Su squirt. The title implies it's going to be tragic, though.

I really like this; I can completely see Lin calling Su squirt. The title implies it's going to be tragic, though.
9/29/2014 c1
i loved this sooooooooo much. for a second there i thought you had killed Lin. good job

i loved this sooooooooo much. for a second there i thought you had killed Lin. good job
9/29/2014 c1 Guest
When the explosions scared off the bison and the herd flew off without their riders I assumed they werent returning.
I was surprised when Tenzin's bison, Oogi, found his way back. I was even more surprised that the bison calf went back to save Kai.
I'm surprised they stayed nearby with all the fighting epecially when Zaheer's cronies melted the temple foundations with lava and collapsed it.
I guess the emotional bond between monk and bison hasn't changed since Aang's time. A bison never really leaves its master behind. They stay with their human partner until the end. Just like Avatar Roku and his faithful dragon.
I'm also glad you included the bison whistle. Little details like that really link the two stories together.
When the explosions scared off the bison and the herd flew off without their riders I assumed they werent returning.
I was surprised when Tenzin's bison, Oogi, found his way back. I was even more surprised that the bison calf went back to save Kai.
I'm surprised they stayed nearby with all the fighting epecially when Zaheer's cronies melted the temple foundations with lava and collapsed it.
I guess the emotional bond between monk and bison hasn't changed since Aang's time. A bison never really leaves its master behind. They stay with their human partner until the end. Just like Avatar Roku and his faithful dragon.
I'm also glad you included the bison whistle. Little details like that really link the two stories together.