Just In
for The Third Pedrad

2/11/2017 c21 dianesnyder
Loved the POV from max.
2/11/2017 c20 dianesnyder
Max liking Natalie?! Interesting. Good twist.
2/10/2017 c19 dianesnyder
First kiss on the Ferris wheel - I like it.
2/10/2017 c18 dianesnyder
Edward. ️
2/9/2017 c17 dianesnyder
I liked this chapter very much.
2/9/2017 c16 dianesnyder
I love how the relationship between tris & four is progressing. ️
2/9/2017 c15 dianesnyder
I'm really enjoying this story!
2/9/2017 c14 dianesnyder
I like how this story is progressing. Lots of twists & turns, but still keeping true to the personality of each character.
2/9/2017 c37 isis771
Je savais que janine était dans le coup pour la mort des parents de tris très bonne histoire j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à la lire
2/8/2017 c13 dianesnyder
Again a very interesting turn of events. Looking forward to the next chapter.
2/8/2017 c12 dianesnyder
Was wondering how/if you were going to bring Caleb into the story.
2/8/2017 c11 dianesnyder
Like the twist of the two fighting each other. ( but don't like)
2/8/2017 c10 dianesnyder
So glad she beat the crap out of him!
2/8/2017 c9 dianesnyder
Well that was interesting. Makes sense if you include the scene I think you're going to include.
2/8/2017 c8 dianesnyder
Glad you included the scene where four takes the gun away from Peter cuz he's acting like a jerk.
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