Just In
for The Third Pedrad

7/3/2016 c39 Dulce129
Just read this entire story in two dAys - as recently recommend by author inopinion. Amazing story. Writing. Characters. Beautiful ending - although I would have loved to have read it from Four and Tris perspective. But glad for the happy ending. Thank you for finishing. Would love to see more Fourtris from you. You are an excellent writer and story teller.
7/3/2016 c39 6Windchimed
This was a beautiful ending to a wonderful story. I have loved reading the ups and downs of these characters as they struggled through challenges and personal growth. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
6/28/2016 c39 Guest
Beautiful ending. 3
6/30/2016 c39 flygirlf14
Thank you. It was perfect.
6/28/2016 c1 2Book-lover11189
This is an amazing story and you are an amazing writer
6/26/2016 c39 iamkatrina
This was one of my first Divergent stories I've read (like two years ago) and it has been so amazing since the start. I am so sad to see it go, and these update waits and been so worth it. Such an amazing story!
6/28/2016 c39 Sawyerrr
Wow. This fic is definitely my favorite Divergent fanfic. Your writing and the detail you included in your chapters are incredible. Awesome. Thank you for sharing, and I hope you continue writing! Fanfic and real life, because your talent is amazing.
6/27/2016 c39 bianconiglio
I was literally crying by the end of the chapter, it's amazing! Sincerely I was hoping in either Tris or four pov for the last chapter but zeke's one - even though unexpected - was amazing. You can really feel the brother love in each word of his speech. Thank you for having completed this fiction and I'm looking forward to some bonus chapters if you will ever feel like writing them. In the meanwhile I'm so damn happy about a new era, this is definitely one of my favourite ff ever and I can't wait to read more of it. Really, I'm so happy you're back :D
6/27/2016 c39 CamiP
Sweet ending to a amazing story! Congratulations
6/27/2016 c39 Divergentlover04
gonna make me cry
6/27/2016 c39 2sarahmicaela88
His speech made me cry. U should have included Ri and Tobias having children that would have been so amazing.
6/25/2016 c38 Guest
Waited so long for this update ! Love it! Please let it continue or a sequel ! Love this
6/27/2016 c39 sineoneontnee
Aww, so sweet
6/27/2016 c39 Bamcn24
Thx for the ending!
6/27/2016 c39 1BeatriceEaton46
This made me cry so much. I love it. Please write more stories.
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