4/28/2015 c36 IzzytheDemigod
When are you posting again? I love this story, but it has almost been a month since the last chapter and I want to know what happens to Zeke!
When are you posting again? I love this story, but it has almost been a month since the last chapter and I want to know what happens to Zeke!
4/29/2015 c36
Hey! I originally followed on AO3 before I started using fan fiction. I love your story so much! It's so original and such a great AU! Thanks for posting!

Hey! I originally followed on AO3 before I started using fan fiction. I love your story so much! It's so original and such a great AU! Thanks for posting!
4/27/2015 c36 Something123
When are you doing the next one?
When are you doing the next one?
4/20/2015 c36 Guest
Tomorrow is my birthday so if you love your readers at all Update UPDATE. SOON OR IM GONNA CRY
Tomorrow is my birthday so if you love your readers at all Update UPDATE. SOON OR IM GONNA CRY
4/21/2015 c36
Hi! Please update soon...Hope you can finish the story by the end of the month

Hi! Please update soon...Hope you can finish the story by the end of the month
4/18/2015 c36 Guest
I'm sorry did you not understand the IM DYING PLEASE UPDATE PART? here let me help you IM DYING PLEASE UPDATE! NOWNOWNIWNOWNOW
I'm sorry did you not understand the IM DYING PLEASE UPDATE PART? here let me help you IM DYING PLEASE UPDATE! NOWNOWNIWNOWNOW
4/16/2015 c36 Something123
Please update ASAP I am like dieing right now
Please update ASAP I am like dieing right now
4/16/2015 c36 Guest
4/16/2015 c36 awesomest person alive4610
Nooooooooo not Zeke! What did he ever do to you? He is like the older brother every kid asks for. UPDATE NOW OR I SWEAR TO DAUNTLESS CAKE I WILL FIND YOU AND MAKE YOU WRITE!
Nooooooooo not Zeke! What did he ever do to you? He is like the older brother every kid asks for. UPDATE NOW OR I SWEAR TO DAUNTLESS CAKE I WILL FIND YOU AND MAKE YOU WRITE!
4/15/2015 c36
Please update! This story is beautiful! I need to know what happens next! .

Please update! This story is beautiful! I need to know what happens next! .
4/12/2015 c25 Trislover167
This fan fiction is AMAZING
This fan fiction is AMAZING