Just In
for The Third Pedrad

4/28/2015 c36 IzzytheDemigod
When are you posting again? I love this story, but it has almost been a month since the last chapter and I want to know what happens to Zeke!
4/29/2015 c36 5tullyblue12
Hey! I originally followed on AO3 before I started using fan fiction. I love your story so much! It's so original and such a great AU! Thanks for posting!
4/29/2015 c36 goldielox123
Can't wait to see what happens next - update soon please!
4/27/2015 c36 Something123
When are you doing the next one?
4/26/2015 c36 anita1788
Very good story. I hope it gets updated soon.
4/20/2015 c36 Guest
Tomorrow is my birthday so if you love your readers at all Update UPDATE. SOON OR IM GONNA CRY
4/21/2015 c36 2BeatriceGrace
Hi! Please update soon...Hope you can finish the story by the end of the month
4/18/2015 c36 Guest
I'm sorry did you not understand the IM DYING PLEASE UPDATE PART? here let me help you IM DYING PLEASE UPDATE! NOWNOWNIWNOWNOW
4/16/2015 c36 Something123
Please update ASAP I am like dieing right now
4/16/2015 c36 Guest
4/17/2015 c36 aliceolivia
Update soon Please! Zeke cannot die right?
4/16/2015 c36 awesomest person alive4610
Nooooooooo not Zeke! What did he ever do to you? He is like the older brother every kid asks for. UPDATE NOW OR I SWEAR TO DAUNTLESS CAKE I WILL FIND YOU AND MAKE YOU WRITE!
4/15/2015 c36 3tkdginger98
Please update! This story is beautiful! I need to know what happens next! .
4/15/2015 c12 awesomest person alive4610
Awwwwww that's so sweet
4/12/2015 c25 Trislover167
This fan fiction is AMAZING
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