Just In
for The Third Pedrad

10/4/2014 c9 TheHotMess
A great read, so far- looking forward to it continuing :D
10/4/2014 c9 1LivFour
Oh my god I am in love with this story! Why haven't more people viewed it?! This story is so awesome! Your writing is amazing! Everything just flows so perfectly together. I can't wait until Four and Tris admit their feelings to each other. I was just wondering where Tris's nickname Ri came from? Does it have to do with her childhood? And what's with Eric? Oh my god I love this so much I can't wait until another update! :)
10/3/2014 c7 SaharaSarah
Such a good story. Please continue!
10/3/2014 c7 Secret Reader
Wow! It's such a great story! I'm so captivated by it. I can't wait for the next chapter!
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