Just In
for The Third Pedrad

11/13/2017 c39 EmyRen9
You know you’re reading something good when you can laugh, get angry, and cry along with the characters. Great job, this book melted my heart. 3
7/25/2017 c29 12Wrenlovesreading
Aw! So glad Zeke Finally knows!
7/22/2017 c19 Wrenlovesreading
AHHH! Sooo worth the wait! AH!
7/22/2017 c18 Wrenlovesreading
-_- Why must you continue to tease me -_-
7/21/2017 c16 Wrenlovesreading
AH! Why do you continue to tease me about the kissing! Why won't they just kiss already!?
6/24/2017 c2 Guest
i love this story idea, and i've already reread this story; i love it. Thanks for writing it:)
4/21/2017 c39 2NonBinaryAceKitten
4/20/2017 c39 SigneG
Thank you for this amazing story, I love it!
4/17/2017 c22 2twowingsforever
3/31/2017 c39 LostInWinter
Really great story - you made me smile, (which is a very hard thing to achieve, I'll admit, but the credit just goes to this story). Keep writing, the world will be a sorry place if you don't,
- LostInWinter
3/20/2017 c39 Puppy 17
I loved it! Seeks speech in chapter 39 made me cry. I really really adore this book, I lob the brotherly love and protection that comes from Zeke and the unmistakeable twin bond Tris and Uriah share. This is one of my new favorite fanfiction ever! I will definitely be reading it again!
3/20/2017 c26 Puppy 17
I love the "to bad I can't ask Zeke advice on how t romance his sister" bit it made me crack up
2/15/2017 c39 dianesnyder
What a great ending to this story. I so enjoyed reading every chapter. Thanks for all your hard work!
2/15/2017 c38 dianesnyder
Knew you wouldn't kill Zeke. (Thank you for that, by the way)
2/15/2017 c37 dianesnyder
Interesting turn of events.
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