for The Third Pedrad
2/15/2017 c36 dianesnyderWell...this was an unexpected turn of events.
2/15/2017 c34 dianesnyderThe beginning of the end! Exciting.
2/13/2017 c33 dianesnyderThat was interesting. Did not expect that confrontation.
2/13/2017 c32 dianesnyderLove that big brother Zeke is so protecting of tris.
2/12/2017 c31 dianesnyderLove that so many are involved in the protection of the abnegation.
2/12/2017 c30 dianesnyderAh...the hanging over the chasm part.
2/12/2017 c29 dianesnyderTris meets Caleb. Interesting.
2/12/2017 c28 dianesnyderYou know zeke has figured it out & will do something to embarrass four!
2/11/2017 c25 dianesnyder3 against 1 not fair, but glad you included it.
2/11/2017 c24 dianesnyderGlad that the whole team is involved in protecting Abnegation.
2/11/2017 c22 dianesnyderGlad you're including some of the same fears tris had from the book.