Just In
for Intentional Scars

1/22/2019 c1 7twlightbella
Awww sweet of Harry
7/1/2018 c1 nayin1704
5/14/2018 c1 babyowllove7
Nicely done :)
3/30/2017 c1 Hello
Aw man this is so sweet, especially the last lines! :)
2/21/2016 c1 Reader
So bloody cute! I love it when Teddy is treated like one of their kids!
1/22/2016 c1 9SapphiRubyCrys
aww... sweet
2/22/2015 c1 4allisvanity
Eh...Teddy's last name would be Lupin. Remus was the first name.
2/6/2015 c1 envirosue
Thank you for this story. With so much yuckiness and angry stories here on fanfiction, this is a beautiful story that feels just right.

Well done!
12/6/2014 c1 18poser16
The feels! This was amazing all-around!

Great job!

10/19/2014 c1 Guest
I wasn't sure about Harry getting a tattoo if I'm honest but I really loved this fic you wrote the characters very well
10/4/2014 c1 5Stinkyx3
Absolutely adorable. Daddy harry! Is the best :)) and i can totally see him getting such a tattoo..
I love when people acknowledge the father/son relationship between harry in zeddy. Thanks for making me smile with this!
10/4/2014 c1 Guest
Not a bad story.

The Crimson Mage.
10/4/2014 c1 kiwifan13
Fantastic. I love the Harry/Teddy time at the end :)
10/3/2014 c1 RemovalAcctKE
Fluff. So much good fluff!

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