Just In
for Death and Life

3/18/2022 c2 30Natalie Rushman
I love that Fili was the one to bring him back! That was too cute. It was a really positive way to end such a sad story.
3/12/2022 c1 Natalie Rushman
This is such a sad part of their story. They really just can't catch a break, can they? That part where they were trying to explain to Fili what happened was really wrenching.
4/8/2019 c1 18Luinwen-2013
Poor family!
11/24/2018 c2 6Nenithiel
You've been reading my story for so long and though I have a lot of reading to catch up on from others, I came over to read one of yours. Sad but sweet.
1/6/2015 c2 203hollyhobbit101
This is a nice, sweet story. Little Fili is very cute.
11/14/2014 c2 28Pericula Ludus
Great fic! So painful, but so sweet as well. Dís is such a strong lady.
10/12/2014 c2 11Starship T.A.R.D.I.S
This is adorable! Baby Fili is too cute.
10/12/2014 c2 8x beautifully broken x
That was really good and Fili was just so amazing! I loved this so much!
10/11/2014 c2 11Cassandrala
Wow, can't tell you how much I loved reading this story- you definitely covered a lot of aspects I hadn't even thought about, and it's nice to hear the backstory :) Excellent job!
10/11/2014 c2 Fanficfan4eva
I loved it! Fili was so cute the way he made kili live! It was beautiful but I'm sad it's over
10/9/2014 c1 Fanficfan4eva
Please update ASAP
It was a brilliant first chapter!
Poor fili dis and thorin!
10/5/2014 c1 Aranel Mereneth
Oh so sad! :( I really like the way you wrote Mr Dis haha, he seemed like such a likeable dwarf :( I also love the dynamic you've shown between Thorin and Dis/Fili, it's very sweet. Can't wait to see baby Kili! He's going to wrap Thorin around his finger from the moment he opens his puppy dog eyes haha. Please update soon!
10/4/2014 c1 91TMI Fairy
Please mark this as "very AU".
It has absolutely no connection with Tolkien's timeline.

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