12/24/2014 c7 withdranwnmadness000
well this story caught my attention. curious to see where this is going. keep it up
well this story caught my attention. curious to see where this is going. keep it up
11/23/2014 c7 CrimsontheBloodyDemonKing
I wonder what Miya's response will be to finding out that Uzume without Daisuke's permission went to the Digital World with him?
I wonder what Miya's response will be to finding out that Uzume without Daisuke's permission went to the Digital World with him?
11/16/2014 c6 CrimsontheBloodyDemonKing
How did Seo of all people manage to get into college. It's been a while since I read the manga so I forget if this was in it as well.
How did Seo of all people manage to get into college. It's been a while since I read the manga so I forget if this was in it as well.