Just In
for Fighting for Love

5/17/2020 c4 2Aubrey Jane
This is fantastic! Where's the rest? When will it be posted? Great job.
5/17/2020 c3 Aubrey Jane
Great Job! What's next?
5/17/2020 c2 Aubrey Jane
Wow! This is even better! What' next?
5/17/2020 c1 Aubrey Jane
Wow! This is great! What's next?
4/16/2015 c4 274MeJasper
Wrestling action!
11/5/2014 c2 3EagleHawk
Awesome! Can't wait for more and thanks for updating this! :)
10/19/2014 c1 Guest
Ew I still remember the original version where Chris and Bella are brother and sister this is so weird.
10/19/2014 c2 274MeJasper
New chapter. What's next?
10/19/2014 c2 twimama77
Very very awesome
10/15/2014 c1 Guest
So hot
10/13/2014 c1 Jax
Continue the story. It's great
10/14/2014 c1 4MeJasper
And come out fighting.
10/13/2014 c1 twimama77
Very very awesome
10/13/2014 c1 DangerGirl123
UPDATE SOON! Can't wait for Bella and Rosalie romance!

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