Just In
for Family

10/25/2014 c5 39Willow Edmond
Again, amazing empathy skills. You really make me feel the despair these two poor children are going through. I feel so bad for them, going from bad to bad. I hope at some point they will catch a break.
10/25/2014 c5 Pleb
Omg what a bitch poor dean and roman at least they have each other awesome update can't wait to find out what happens next
10/25/2014 c4 lremmy
Beautifully written. Awesome chapter. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
10/25/2014 c4 error404-known
I wish you luck on your writing.
10/24/2014 c4 1Seth rollins babe
I love it. Can't wait for more. How old are they in this story?
10/24/2014 c4 southrngrl21
Pretty good :)
10/24/2014 c4 9ChocolateReignz
This was a really short chapter but I liked it. Seth is with them now. Happy little family.
But y did roman wish that
10/24/2014 c4 39Willow Edmond
So, three years have passed?

Honestly, again, you've got a terrific idea and you've got that great gift for expressing emotion in few words, but the story kind of jumps around with no explanation. You ended the last chapter with the boys in a home they never expected, but you never really told us why it wasn't what they expected.

Again, I love the story, but I'd love to see it fleshed out a little more, with some extra details. I mean, it's your story, but I still think this has a lot of potential.
10/24/2014 c3 error404-known
So much abuse, I hope that part is over and I wonder if the part at the end was for good or the worst
10/22/2014 c3 9ChocolateReignz
I loved it a lot. Poor little babies .
I wish I could hug them n take them home.
I hate the parents, drugging little children. Beating them, to breaking their bones
Ouch ouch ouch
What is the new home like. Better or worse
10/22/2014 c3 39Willow Edmond
It's an interesting concept you have here. I'm curious where you're taking this. I would give you a more extensive review, but I don't want to post thing you might see as negative on your reviews page, I know there are some writers who only want to hear good thing. Not that there is anything awful about your story, like I said, I think its a great concept. It has the potential to be one of the better stories on the site, based on the idea.
10/22/2014 c3 1plebs
awwwwwww poor roman and dean i hope there parents went to jail i hope dean and roman stay together cause i dont think dean will cope by himself hope u write more cant waiti excellent so far
10/22/2014 c3 lremmy
Absolutely awesome. Great job. You did amazing on this story. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
10/21/2014 c3 1Seth rollins babe
I'm really liking this story. Can't wait for more :)
10/21/2014 c2 error404-known
*waits ;-;*
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