Just In
for Family

12/4/2015 c31 1Seth rollins babe
I love it
12/4/2015 c31 39Willow Edmond
Wow, Seth is making things worse instead of better. I hope Dean is able to get help and find him.

Every time I think things are going to resolve, you throw in more twists and turns!
11/24/2015 c30 peaches88
Update soon please
11/20/2015 c30 alicia
Please update soon please
11/14/2015 c30 9ChocolateReignz
Seth came back to his brother
I'm so glad. And he wants to stay.
I hope he is telling the truth. N its not some game that him n dean are playing.
And the 2 people watching? Its Stephanie n Hunter
Waiting for more.
11/14/2015 c30 alicia
Please update soon
11/5/2015 c30 alicia
Yes seth did the right thing. I hope dean doesn't the right thing. Love the story
11/5/2015 c30 39Willow Edmond
Wow, so Seth and Roman have finally worked out -something-, not exactly what they had before, but they're working on healing their relationship. Which, I think they both need desperately.

I am wondering who is watching them. The fact that you said two people makes me think Hunter and Stephanie, but part of me hopes instead that one of them is Dean. And that he too, is ready to put this behind him.

Nice touch making Seth's middle name, Tyler.
11/4/2015 c30 79Syreina
FINALLY Seth.. *poke* see he forgave you and now you can be a better brother. yay
11/4/2015 c30 98SamA0923
That was such an amazing chapter i just hope that Dean can come to his senses and forgives Roman too and that Hunter and Stephanie can adopt Roman into their family
10/31/2015 c29 9ChocolateReignz
Roman is awake.
And I can't believe dean is still being an idiotic jack ass.
can't you see that roman is hurt. The least u could do is be polite with him.
I thought the brothers had changed. But I guess not.
I hope roman gets better soon.
10/28/2015 c29 Guest
Aww poor Roman you have to feel bad for him. Hopefully he reunites with Dean and Seth
10/28/2015 c29 39Willow Edmond
Wow, everyone is piling on Roman, aren't they? Dean and Seth are acting like he's been the one snubbing them, Stephanie is scolding him, after she and Hunter took away his income by restricting him to house shows.

You know, I still hope for the happy ending where they all work it out, but I wouldn't really blame Roman if he told them all to eat crap and bark at the moon and never contacted them again.
10/28/2015 c29 alicia
I wonder if roman will let them help him now. Love the story please update as soon as possible
10/25/2015 c28 Guest
Please update asap!
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