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9/9/2015 c24 100SamA0923
i really hope the boys can make up this is sad to see them fight i really hope they make up soon
9/5/2015 c23 megan
Omg pleaseeee update soon! I hope things get better
9/5/2015 c23 39Willow Edmond
Someone needs to talk some sense into Dean and Seth so they see all that Roman did for them.

And yes, you are still the queen of emotional writing. You get me to feel things every time you write and that's pretty amazing.
9/4/2015 c23 alicia
I wish dean and seth see that roman made a big sacrifice for them to be happy
9/4/2015 c23 1Seth rollins babe
I love it
9/4/2015 c23 100SamA0923
Awww i really hope that Seth and Dean can forgive Roman its really sad to see them fighting like this i really hope they make up soon
8/28/2015 c22 39Willow Edmond
*Blink* Okay... this is getting a little carried away. I mean, wow, it's like everyone is just determined to hate Roman and blame him for everything. No one sees how unfair this is?
8/28/2015 c21 Willow Edmond
Wow... I can't believe everyone is being so harsh to Roman. And Dean and Seth are acting like little children. Roman doesn't deserve the hate he's getting.
8/26/2015 c21 100SamA0923
I hope the brothers can make up its sad to see them fight
8/25/2015 c21 79Syreina
I want to punch Dean and Seth.. I seriously do. That should be a testament that you are doing a good job with their characters. I still though want to punch them.
8/15/2015 c20 9ChocolateReignz
This was such a sad chapter
I can't believe all this is happening to our precious roman.
I hope in the end dean n seth realize how wrong they were and roman was their protector.
I really really wish they would come to their senses
8/15/2015 c20 39Willow Edmond
Wow... Dean and Seth are being too harsh, IMO. I get that they were upset, but it's like they're completely trying to destroy Roman. That's sad.
8/8/2015 c19 9ChocolateReignz
I don't understand how is roman wrong?
Seth and dean are the ones who r wrong.
They have been together all the time and roman had to struggle for everything.
Even now he is the one trying to do everything for his brothers. And the dont realize that.
Im with roman in all this.
8/4/2015 c19 1Seth rollins babe
Love it afa
8/4/2015 c19 3PunkShieldGirl
Ah oh! Maybe have hunter to sort this thing out between brothers, have dean or Seth hurt! Roman being the big brother again
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