Just In
for Family

5/16/2015 c17 79Syreina
aww poor Ro and the guys. *hugs them*
5/3/2015 c3 16M.j's place
Just started reading this but I really like it So far!
4/27/2015 c16 20Pinayprincesa
So Randy does sort of a soft spot for Dean, Seth, and Ro after he heard them talking and taking care of each other. :-)
4/27/2015 c16 9ChocolateReignz
I loved this chapter so much
Roman is such a good brother
Taking care of his younger brothers.
And hunter and stephanie are so sweet
Its amazing
I hope to keep on reading this nice story.
4/27/2015 c16 39Willow Edmond
Aww, poor Seth, wanting a family. You can do adult adoptions, I have a friend who was adopted as an adult. It's usually a lot simpler than adopting a child.

Don't worry about how long it takes you to do updates. I'd rather you take a long time and do an update you feel is ready than to throw something up just to make impatient people happy.
4/26/2015 c16 Guest
Love it
4/3/2015 c15 9ChocolateReignz
Randy, sheamus n show, just messed with the wrong people!
They are gonna get a beating if a life time.
Love the shield,
Waiting for more.
4/2/2015 c15 Pleb
Awesome chapter shield rule
4/1/2015 c15 southrngrl21
Cute update
4/1/2015 c15 1Seth rollins babe
I like it
4/1/2015 c15 39Willow Edmond
Good update, it's nice to see you haven't abandoned this story!
2/28/2015 c14 9ChocolateReignz
Maybe their title shots were being discussed.
But I'm looking forward to find out what it is.
2/25/2015 c14 1Seth rollins babe
I like it. I wonder what they were talking about
2/25/2015 c14 southrngrl21
Cute update soon
2/25/2015 c14 39Willow Edmond
I'm not going to take a guess, I'd rather see what you write yourself. But, even though this was short, that was fine, it didn't need to be any longer. Good job.
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