Just In
for Five Nights at Fun Freddy's Pizzeria

6/29/2016 c3 CHEESECAKE
I hope you make a chapter 4
4/5/2016 c3 the lybrarian
lol where do people come up with this stuff
2/27/2016 c2 Guest
️Tyuthuuuyhhghgufrmmgfbbbmommonmomoni monmmomomomomonmomomonmomomomomomommomomo
2/26/2016 c2 Bob
*Remember the fox about having sex anus*

2/15/2016 c3 1Stan Vanner
Cant wait for Night 4.
1/10/2016 c1 guygotstuffed
I like it.
12/23/2015 c3 Nitrous
Please update your stories, they are really good and it has almost been a year with no news or, updates.
12/10/2015 c3 1It's The Auditor
Now this story is golden, haha, it is a tad bit awkward saying that about this type of story but, man! is well written or not?!

I know alot of how you say, sexual contact was made during particular scenes in this story but the part that intrigued me, was the story line, it is excellent and i need more of it, but i am not begging i promise.

Another part is the suspense, like for example when i read this back in January i was like, "whats Freddy gon' do if he gets in!?" kinda like that aye Will?

But the way you described and added Freddy was a ice cream Sunday with a cherry on top, you are truly amazing and I would like to see more potential from that college brain of yours!

Now Will, just asking you, with all the college work, is it going well? better have, you have not updated in a while, I'm just abit confused, its almost been a year dang! but i really hope you use that brain and continue this master piece!

Happy goings!
good luck at college
12/3/2015 c3 slarkoh
Will you have a chapter 4?
11/27/2015 c1 Mangle.1987
If it was not early in the morning I would literally clap!
11/22/2015 c3 4IronResolve216
Great. Just great.
11/9/2015 c3 Generic. Null
Chicken. Animatronic CHICKEN. NOT a DUCK. AND MAKE MORE!
10/16/2015 c3 snowbeard3
I'd love to see more of this story
9/7/2015 c3 do
more plz i team with you in hungry games
9/5/2015 c1 MyBiggestFan
Legit, how the fuck did you get 500 follows with 3 chapters?
What hacking program did you use?
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