Just In
for Unbroken

1/22/2021 c3 damthing
I really hope you hadn't abandoned this story after all. It's really good. Please update, even one chapter once every four years is better than nothing :) Best wishes
10/11/2018 c3 whores
wanna dieeeeeeeeeeee
10/11/2018 c2 dese
ill kill you
10/11/2018 c1 hotch
i wonder why havent you played your pat right
7/29/2018 c3 1pallyndrome
It’s a pity you haven’t continued this
6/19/2018 c3 9sherryola
wow, this is exciting. Foyet would do something like this.
4/30/2018 c3 Zzcriadcard
I need more please update this fanfic :0
4/21/2018 c2 tannerose5
Reid, if he wants to make it out alive, really had to take himself to another be place
4/22/2018 c3 bigtimedreamer101
I am super glad you are continuing this story! I hope you do finish it as it is a nail bitting and action packed story of amazingness. Can't wait for more!
4/20/2018 c3 spxxxxx
I'm so glad you finally updated again. I really like your writing style and the story line so I am really looking forward to future updates.
1/6/2018 c2 spxxxxx
Oh, please update soon! The story and writing is amazing!
6/12/2017 c2 16StyxxsOmega
Poor Spencer! Hope they find them soon! Please write more when you can.
1/10/2017 c2 55Argentum Anubis
I love your writing style and I was hooked on this story from the first paragraph. Please continue; I would love to read more of this.
9/9/2016 c2 bigtimedreamer101
Please write more! I really think your Foyer is great!
8/10/2016 c2 Guest
Woah! This is intense.
I understand if your busy and stuff. You know, life. But if you ever get the urge to write more about this story, I'd be ready to read it!
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