2/24/2015 c1 2Farbeyondthegrave
Great quote to wrap this chapter up! Please continue, I love Reid whump tbh hehe
Great quote to wrap this chapter up! Please continue, I love Reid whump tbh hehe
1/28/2015 c1 Guest
should I just give up hope that you are ever gonnaupdate again?
should I just give up hope that you are ever gonnaupdate again?
11/8/2014 c1 Guest
you should updatesoon. Yeah. k well...yep.
you should updatesoon. Yeah. k well...yep.
11/1/2014 c1 Guest
please please please please please please please update!
please please please please please please please update!
11/1/2014 c1 Guest
dude this is only the first chapter and I'm already in love with it! I just can't wait to see how this plays out! I'm so excited! EEEK!
dude this is only the first chapter and I'm already in love with it! I just can't wait to see how this plays out! I'm so excited! EEEK!
10/25/2014 c1 17autumnamberleaves
Wow! This is really good! Poor Reid and Hotch! I wonder what sadistic torture Foyet will be doing to Reid. Probably something to do with stabbing.
Wow! This is really good! Poor Reid and Hotch! I wonder what sadistic torture Foyet will be doing to Reid. Probably something to do with stabbing.
10/25/2014 c1 1noobz40
I enjoyed your first chapter. Loom forward to reading how the rest of the story plays out.
I enjoyed your first chapter. Loom forward to reading how the rest of the story plays out.
10/24/2014 c1 Guest
i know that this was only updated like six hours ago but please please pleaseupdate as soonas possible!
i know that this was only updated like six hours ago but please please pleaseupdate as soonas possible!
10/24/2014 c1 autumngold
Fabulous beginning to your story! I just hope that Reid and Hotch will be able to keep each other safe. Can't wait for more!
Fabulous beginning to your story! I just hope that Reid and Hotch will be able to keep each other safe. Can't wait for more!
10/24/2014 c1 Guest
Can't wait to see where this story goes
Can't wait to see where this story goes