Just In
for Nocturnes

10/31/2014 c1 21Maayou
I really liked it. I like how Tenten's frustration is perceived with her desire to fight him and I loved how he's been thinking about her.

And that kiss... yum... what does it has to be their last? We know that Nejiten cannot be apart lol

Anyway this was pretty interesting to read and I would love it even more if you write a sequel. I'm looking forward it :D

10/30/2014 c1 78Aquarius Galuxy
You got me at the first line. Omg. I loved this. Loved the descriptions and the style, how you characterized Neji (allowing himself to curse mildly)... Especially loved "Is there any particular reason why you won't look me in the eye?" and Neji secretly mourning his hair LOL I am curious about their kiss - the last? - hopefully that isn't really their last :P

couple of suggested edits - "looses the last of her patience" should be "loses" in there, and the second "of" in "the ferocity of which legends are told of" can be dropped (at least to me)

That aside, this piece was really cute - please do write more! This fic is the first to make me perk up in a long while on FFN ;)
10/30/2014 c1 FruitySmell
So sorry I am not logged in. I cannot seem to log in my account for some reason... But moving on! I loved this! I loved how you weaved your words to make the scene more poetic... more magical, if I may say so. I definitely felt the good kind of chills when Neji described Tenten like she was some shimmering warrior princess. I definitely love, love, love this! Please write more...
10/29/2014 c1 1Ukrainian Snowstorm
This was amazing, I love how you portrayed them and their relationship together.

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