Just In
for Table Art

6/13/2009 c1 21midnightsolitaire
i was touched by the story...i d0n't kn0w,,i just feel sad f0r evryone,,s0 anzai-sensei died already..and the others, where are they? sakuragi-kun is really into basketball, neh? 'j0in basketball' i l0ve that,,he really wants it t0 continue,, il0ve it, s0 t0uching..h0pe u d0 more sd fics.. ^_^
3/14/2005 c1 16Keax
-thumbs up once again-
1/4/2004 c1 Keax
This fic is different. And very inspiring, in a sense.
7/8/2003 c1 Ju
Bittersweet and lovely to read. The idea of things falling apart after the main characters move on is very interesting.
7/8/2003 c1 1Eliar Swiftfire
Congratulations, this fic is a multiple award winner for the Scribbler Contest 2003. Go to http:/ to retrieve your awards.

Mwa. Hah.
5/3/2003 c1 17jeano
hello. i just found this fic of yours ^^;; slow of me huh.

thanks for dedicating it to me ^^ i really appreciated that. XD

heh. it's a really nice fic, especially the last part 'join basketball' written by sakuragi. ^^ really cool ^^

i really think you shouldn't stop writing, you being absolutely great and all that. by the way, i also admire your 'walnut-sized attention span' which by the way, is longer than mine XD look at my fics. all unfinished. 3 one shots, dunno how many unfinished ones.. XP

so i shall follow your example and write more oneshots XD

12/30/2002 c1 16frisson rae
geez, you ARE a good author. eliar swiftfire recommended you, and holds you in great respect. :D anyway, i think this fic is excellent, the writing is good, and the plot new and uncliche. :D


p.s. too bad you're resigning from FFN +_+
12/2/2002 c1 26Hisashi Loves Yelen
That was different from most fics I've read so far. I liked it. It has a melancholic quality to it, yet the ending inspires hope. I don't know, I can't quite put my finger on it but this fic is special.
12/2/2002 c1 7blablahblergh

I finally get to review!

this one's really good.

sakuragi's vandals were really fun to read...

anyway, come back and write more soon!
11/29/2002 c1 unchained
i read this under recommendation by swifty-chan.

and he's right for recommending! this is beautiful, very unique, very touching. The best What-happens-after-they-all-leave fic...even though it's not really about the guys' lives...

This fic is one of the best i've read. great work!
11/29/2002 c1 7genocidian
Wow ... nice fic, too bad you stopped writing slam Dunk fics. ^_^ I wish we could know what happened to Ichiro.
11/26/2002 c1 Aquarei
wow~~that was just great Dinette ^^

The feeling...I think you're the only author at who can give that...comfortable..feeling...the flow...the...everything-

really great~~

why is this the last?

sigh...anyway~~if this is the last time I'll see you...then...

good luck!
11/26/2002 c1 lambie
It's good! I think that you're a great writer. This was impressive, very nostalgic. Is this your last fic? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
11/23/2002 c1 21say-chan
dinette-chan, naze? you're a great writer. i don't think you should stop coz a lot of people care. pleeze don't stop?

i went through this phase already. i wuz writing a fic called 'i'll stop' when i didn't want to write anymore. but when that urge came, i started to write again...

pleeze don't stop?

11/23/2002 c1 3Yuririn
This is really good... no great! I like it. ^_^
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