Just In
for Mancipium

8/20/2015 c4 Aiko1991
Love it! Im so into this fic!
Im not really sure but i think that orihime is pregnant or i hope soo
Update soon
8/20/2015 c4 nypsy
hmm, sometimes women do have bleeding despite being pregnant in real life, so I'm wondering if maybe that's why O vomited. It will be exciting if they go on the run. forbidden love tends to be super fiery. can't wait.
8/19/2015 c4 reader101
when will you update Howls Under the Full Moon fanfiction?
8/18/2015 c4 sapphirehimitsu
Thank you for updating this story! I really enjoyed this new chapter as well! What plans do Masaki and Rangiku have for Ichigo and Orihime? That really makes me curious.. I am so excited to read more! Hope you will update soon! :D
7/11/2015 c3 21daianapotter
will ichigo kidnap hime :D?
7/11/2015 c2 daianapotter
i love the way that ichigo make hime remember him xD oh poor ichigo and hime u.u
7/11/2015 c1 daianapotter
i hope that you make a lemon scene xD i need it specially with this tension between this two xD
7/8/2015 c3 Guest
I squealed when this showed up in my inbox. I am always eagerly awaiting your stories. So much so, I created an account just so I could stay updated. I love your writing that much!
7/8/2015 c3 5Renji4eva
Woah! Another chapter! And a short though interesting one! Can't wait to know what happens next! Update soon! ~ ~
7/6/2015 c3 9sumtyms
i love it! thanks for the update! :)
7/6/2015 c3 sapphirehimitsu
I can't wait to read the next chapter! Poor Orihime and Ichigo, having to hide their relationship in secret. I wonder what is Aizen's plan that involve Orihime's engagement. Is it related to Ichigo? Simply can't keep the excitement within me. Hope to read your next update soon! :D
7/5/2015 c3 nypsy
this is tragically sad for them. hope they run away together.
7/4/2015 c3 anonymousP
Your such a tease! hoping for faster updates
7/4/2015 c3 Aiko1991
I love this fic! Its sooooo freaking good!
Please update soon!
7/3/2015 c3 reader101
i love ur ichihime fiction story especially, Howls Under the Full Moon! can u update the story after this fanfiction story because it such a good story and cannot wait for that story to be update~~~~~ nice story plot in this fanfiction and update soon for howls under the full moon...
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