Just In
for Mancipium

7/3/2015 c3 6zodious
Ahh...why Ichigo! Jerk! You betta go and fix this! Grrr!
7/3/2015 c3 Xtremefairy
Great update:)
12/5/2014 c2 17Nova Mode
This story so far is simply amazing and interesting but I think that's partly because of the way you write it. I really like how you bring out each character's distinct personality.

And I'm deadly curious to know about their back stories as well: Sora's apparent hatred for Ichigo, Rangiku's and Sosuke's relationship (I'm not upset about it, in fact I find it interesting), Isshin's issue with Kukaku, and the incident with Masaki. Awesome choice of using tsukishima as hime's fiancé.. Gah, you left too much for me to handle!

I also freaking love Grimmy in this XD
12/5/2014 c2 2Ermilus
my poor hime and Ichi. so much drama to come. why hasn't isshin sister forgive him. why does Sora hate ichi
12/5/2014 c2 16chibisamasempai20
Oh noes! Will this be like Romeo and Juliet type of story?

Hope you update soon!
12/5/2014 c2 Guest
Oh berry berry thanks for the update. Hope a laptop come across your hands soon.
12/5/2014 c2 Lynnai
It's Grimmjow not Grimmjaw.
12/4/2014 c2 nypsy
i hope you don't kill off masaki or isshin, though given setting, i guess violence is to be expected. its gonna be very romeo & juliet, maybe, if the pair reveal their love openly starting a family feud... Wonder if Sora initiated the arranged union idea-but wouldn't you want your beloved sibling to be happy? I bet tsuki is gonna be a baddie-then sora & maybe parents will regret this act. Kinda hoping its ichi who at some point will have to help her get away from shu so it ends up being how the hatred between the most loved men in ori's life finally ends. wishful thinking, can't help it.
12/4/2014 c2 5Renji4eva
Nice one!
12/4/2014 c2 12zorojurotheronin
what the hell it's happening in your mind, berry? anyway, i hope you update soon! this looks reeeeeally interesting!
12/4/2014 c2 Xtremefairy
Great update :)
11/21/2014 c1 Guest
I like the tone of this story. Please don' t take to long to update.
11/9/2014 c1 2Ermilus
good intro
11/9/2014 c1 sapphirehimitsu
Interesting start! I cannot wait to read more especially about how Ichigo and Orihime began and their secret relationship.. Update soon! :D
11/9/2014 c1 9sumtyms
I love all your ichihime fics and i cant wait for more. :)
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