Just In
for Mancipium

11/9/2014 c1 nypsy
already super excited for the next installment. fic has both sora & masaki in it, so that makes me very happy, plus our beloved pair are already secretly an item to boot! how can we stay away? happy writing.
11/8/2014 c1 16chibisamasempai20
Ohhh! Interesting story! I hope you update soon!
11/8/2014 c1 Guest
Looks awesome! I was a little confused at first, but by the end, I got it. I definitely look forward to more. :)
11/8/2014 c1 5Renji4eva
Awesome new story is awesome! :)
And OMG, such a steamy kissing scene and it's only the first chapter!
Love the chemistry between those two and hopefully, Orihime will be able to soften up Ichigo a bit. Glad to see that you included Masaki in this! I'm a sucker for Mafia/Yakuza stories so I'm looking forward to many, many updates. XD
Also, as a last question - That last line from Masaki's thoughts has me confused. Are Ichigo and Orihime related?
11/8/2014 c1 45jylener22
Well...when you make Ichigo possessive, you sure can make him possessive. When they get married (not going to say 'if' since it's a given in your story), Orihime will have to train him not to smash in every guy's face who even looks in her direction. He can flaunt how devoted Orihime is to him, but he'll be wrapped around her finger. :)

Rather interested to see where this goes since I'm not really sure at this point, which is just the way I like it. :)
11/8/2014 c1 anonymousP
possessive ichigo is trully the best! no wonder orihime cannot say no to him... please update your other stories as well esp you, me, us...
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