Just In
for Harry Potter: An Ancient's Journey By keiranhalcyon2010

11/10/2014 c1 Blackholelord
11/10/2014 c1 mkson
I know I read this before I hate people that steal other peoples work
11/10/2014 c1 DMacX
Funniest, and most accurate, summary EVER! Good job :)
11/10/2014 c1 ytreza
Break it up in half. You've got a display error around the 42'th chapter.
11/10/2014 c1 m-f42
Haha, awesome; the plagiarism wouldn't be so bad if he continues the story.
11/10/2014 c1 Bountyhunter1977
i loved this story and was very sadden that there was no more updates to it. it was the best HP/Stargate story i came across. i will admit the only thing i did not like about it was the part where the nano bots or what ever they where called was released on earth and every one started getting powers . other then that it was the perfect story. . i hope keiranhalcyon gets the motivation to start it up again.
11/10/2014 c1 adragon890
yep keiran even confirmed it in the reviews of journey through the ages

keiranhalcyon2010 chapter 16 . Oct 13
Yip, word for word - this is mine. No I did not give the author permission at all. I knew of this 'story' a long time ago, but it was a point where the mods were lax or utterly absent. Dunno if that's changed. Lol, the laptop that had all my originals for this was stolen a while back, so if anything, thanks gitar002, you're giving me my story back.
11/10/2014 c1 1DanielHimura
I knew i read the story before, i even ask in the reviews, however when i when to see in keiran's profile to confirm it was not there.
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