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for Star Trek: A Change

4/13/2020 c10 Guest
I know it's been three, almost four years since you've written anything new, so it's very unlikely that you'll read this. However, I needed to say that I really liked your story. It follows the film faithfully, with your own twists to make it yours.

The relationship between Khan and Kirk in this fic fascinates me; I've always thought of Khan as the anti-Kirk, a sort of black mirror that was meant to juxtapose between him and Jim, which I see you do here with Hannah. There are definitely similarities between them; they both had brutal upbringings (with Hannah here, it's the death of her father, really the deaths of most of her family, her mother's neglect, her abusive stepfather, and all of this is not even close to what Tarsus IV did to fuck up Kirk (although it's never mentioned in the alternate series if Kirk ever went to Tarsus in the Kelvin Timeline. For all intents and purposes here, I'd go with yes). With Khan, he was literally bred in a lab and he, as well as his crew and augments like them, were used and abused by the people who created them. Human experimentation, anyone?) Both of them are insanely brilliant. They love hard, and are extremely loyal and devoted to the people they care about. Hannah and Khan, in turn, are also incredibly charismatic, inspiring that same love and devotion in the people that follow them.

From this, we can create a full picture of them and their relationship. Hannah would embody the same compassion, empathy, intelligence, mischevious wit, curiosity, and charisma that James would have. However, I think that because of Tarsus, there would a deeply buried latent darkness in her, that, just as she did with the children she saved and looked after on Tarsus IV, would push her to do anything to protect her loved ones.

Khan, I believe, would recognize this, as he did in this fic. It's important to note that Khan ruled an entire region 300 years ago before the Eugenic Wars. When someone is governing, they learn to read the true characters of the people around them. Khan would not only see that Hannah is his intellectual equal, but that they are kindred spirits, in that they love their families, and that they would do anything for them, no matter how morally ambiguous it might be. He would see that hidden side to her. Sure, it can be argued here that Khan is Kirk, but ruthless and with less moral scruples, however if you consider Tarsus IV and the impact it had on Hannah, I would say that if she was put in the same position that Khan was, that darkness in her would drive Hannah just as much to save and protect her people, and I think that would lead her to committing morally dubious acts to do that. It's why I think that despite the fact she denies vehemently at first that they are alike, that she wouldn't even entertain the thought of doing the things that he did, she knows he's right, and reluctantly admits as much to him in this fic.

As weird as it is and as much as I love their adversarial relationship in the Original Series, I also love that while there is still some of that dynamic here, Khan's soft spot for Hannah is another facet that humanizes him just as much as his love for his crew. I also like at the end that despite the fact that Hannah doesn't want him to reawaken, she acknowledges that because of their connection, she'll always have a bit of a soft spot for him too. Hannah acknowledges that Khan will always be a part of her. I imagine that if they ever interacted again, there would be a push and pull between them; while they have opposing viewpoints, I think that Hannah and Khan would often talk to each other, with him continuing to help her if she needed it.

If Kirk and Khan's interactions were more like this (it won't), it would have been the most complex and intriguing relationships ever portrayed on tv and film (since in this fic, Kirk Prime is also female and Khan had a soft spot for her even in Spock Prime's timeline. It really makes you wonder how the episode "Space Seed", and subsequently "The Wrath of Khan", would have turned out if this was the case). It maybe would have become as iconic Kirk and Spock's relationship.

Which leads me to my one criticism; I felt that the interaction and relationship between Hannah and Khan was a bit rushed and could have used a bit more development. However, since this fic is based on a 2 hour film, I can barely fault you for condensing it. There are a few spelling and punctuation mistakes as well.

Thank you for this story. I hope you do come around to writing a "Star Trek: Beyond" fic for Hannah.
5/27/2017 c4 Guest

8/21/2016 c10 15dreamcatcher
You have no choice, there WILL be a Beyond sequel!
8/9/2016 c10 12em1ly007
I just watched Star Trek Beyond and I loved the movie! You should definitely write a version of it with Hannah Kirk-McCoy. I like your twist on the movie and how true to the plot you stay.
7/26/2016 c10 4Vixen of Mischief
I love both of these stories. I would really love it if you wrote a third one with the new movie 'Star Trek: Beyond'
7/25/2016 c10 6K.Daniels
I adored this.
7/24/2016 c10 MissDarkBlu259
Loved it! will you do another one for Star Trek Beyond? :)
6/29/2016 c9 2katniss12
Great story so far please update want to know how it continues
5/27/2016 c9 MissDarkBlu259
Oh my gosh! I loved it! Can't wait for more! :D
2/16/2016 c7 Britt
I wish you would update. I adore this story!
2/17/2016 c8 MissDarkBlu259
YEAH! Finally an update! :D sorry I'm just really happy there was an update I love this story :) I'm anxious to see how your going to do Hannah's death later on :)) keep it up can't wait for the next update
12/23/2015 c5 MissDarkBlu259
Plzzzz it's been so long since you updated! I really want to know what happens next plzzz I love ur story :) hurry and update
11/1/2015 c7 MissDarkBlu259
I know you don't get many reviews but some of us still love your story so I'm telling you please update! :) I'm dying to know what happens next :D
9/13/2015 c7 Resolver
this is amazing, you are really talented
8/10/2015 c7 Hari123
Love this story! Update soon!
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