Just In
for Attitude Adjustment

12/6/2014 c1 5Moons88
Wow, really well written and so interesting :) I can't wait to see where you're going with this. Keep up the good work.

12/5/2014 c3 maxiefae
Love love love
12/3/2014 c3 Lostinarwop
Love your story! The car scene was so thrilling and so detailed that I could practically picture it. Also love how Nick can be the heroic savior while still getting annoyed at the behavior of the Wesen around him (or is it his darker side showing?). In any case, it gave the car scene - and his character - a very realistic touch. More than anything else, I love that you gave us a heartbreaking Nick!whump story. Well done, and please update soon!
11/30/2014 c2 12Sanna Black Slytherin
Loved it so far! I mean, the show's got a lot of fic potential, but hardly anyone ever uses it. Also, it's good to see an actual canon fic _
11/30/2014 c2 22D Squirrel
Oh no, Nick and baby in danger. Such an evil cliffhanger! More please.
11/30/2014 c2 mi guard
I need to know how this story continues. Please go on.
so the man is not a troll?
11/29/2014 c2 35bluejay
Interesting start! Looking forward to reading more :)
11/29/2014 c2 maxiefae
Poor nick
11/29/2014 c2 5S.A.N.e-but-inS.A.N.e
Such an evil way to end the chapter! Can't wait to see what you bring next. Loving this story so far. Update soon!
11/29/2014 c1 Tammy
Nicely written start. Looking forward to next chapter.
11/27/2014 c1 whumpoverlord
oooooooooo I can see I'm in for a good story. love the way nick handles the call and I just KNOW the guy's gonna have some kind of horrible accident... just on the basis that he thinks he's gonna be ok driving all that way on his own. and that it's going to leave him with a free weekend. looking forward to seeing how this thing pans out. more soon please.
11/26/2014 c1 Guest
totally cute that Nick finds himself in a kind of 'Dear Nick' agony uncle situation with the wessen. It was pretty funny when he was trying to get the lady to get some focus as it was her that called him after all. interesting story so far!
11/27/2014 c1 mngrue
This looks like it'll be interesting, for sure! You have some sentences that run a little long (especially in the Rocky Horror paragraph), but the overall feel of the story is good. I look forward to the next installment.
11/27/2014 c1 afan21
Great start! Loved Nick balancing both "jobs" in his head and patience is definitely needed in dealing with certain Wesen. :)
But, I am slightly alarmed that he is heading off on his own to this still mysterious situation. That's Nick though, full speed ahead. Look forward to the next chapter.
11/26/2014 c1 8LittleBounce
Ahhhhh as soon as Nick starts saying 'hopefully', you know it's all going to go horribly wrong. Silly Nick, planning to drive two hours on a bagel... there's no telling some lads, is there?

I liked how he was balancing both jobs in his head while trying to talk some sense in the world's most circular conversation, lol. It's a good job he is an experienced cop because Grimms ain't known for their patience!

nice introspection on who to include on the secret, and the risks of doing that.

cool start! And thanks for the shout-out, m'love. Though I'm not sure I was THAT helpful, lol! Roll on chapter 2!

tiglet xxx
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