Just In
for Cards Against Remnant

8/6 c9 wearedeadpool
nice chapter.
11/2/2023 c2 Arkos4ever
I just found this and it's hilarious. I had to comment on something though. You actually kind of called it with Pyrrha telling Ruby she dropped a chandelier on someone, since in Volume 9 "Pyrrha" shot a chandelier down on Ruby during the tea party.
10/22/2023 c7 Guest
9/1/2023 c7 Cooldude101011
Maybe Jaune is biologically Adrian’s dad and he donated his sperm to get Terra pregnant via IVF or something? Or maybe they did the donation the all natural way?
8/17/2023 c2 Hex 4got Pword
Pyrrha's turn was comedy gold.
5/6/2023 c2 kyurega
Wow. We goti have no good cards”, the czar ignoring the obvious crowd favorite, massive tangents to explain a single joke, “i forgot that card was played”, half the group just not getting a joke, “I would totally win this round if I wasn’t czar”, and the czar making arbitrary rules for choosing a winner.

Yep. This is indeed every game of CAH ever.
2/14/2023 c4 wearedeadpool
this was a great story bro.
1/2/2023 c11 Pit-Fiend9
This was by far one of the funniest things I've read in a long time! Thank you for combining one of the best (worst) games to ever be made and one of the best shows ever! Love the various references through out to various tropes, shows, other fanfictions, and more!
12/11/2022 c5 Cooldude101011
So nuclear stuff is less well known in Remnant?
12/11/2022 c4 Cooldude101011
Maybe Ruby is bisexual and that’s why she’s saying “significant other” instead of boyfriend or girlfriend?
11/21/2022 c1 Dasgun
11/9/2022 c11 20Essiter1987
Kind of wish we had one last collective joke about Jaune being inadvertently hot while being Card Czar. Aw, well.
11/9/2022 c9 Essiter1987
Any time Jaune's family becomes a meme of the Armstrong family from FMA: Brotherhood I'm all for it. And I am all for the group gettin' together by the end of this AU.
11/9/2022 c6 Essiter1987
Can I just say that I love all the Jaune related jokes in this one, cause I do.
10/27/2022 c10 Shogun lord poke burst
Did Nora reference Scooby doo?
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