Just In
for Monsters turned out to be trees

12/7/2014 c1 26thetideisrising
Oh my gosh this is probably one of my favorite things. (Also I'm glad you used out of the woods) The hair scene was very well done, and the way you characterized Jemma allowed me to relate to her, (for I to have cried with a fist in my mouth, and hacked off my hair because I was done with my former self.) I'm excited to see more of your work, and I have been experiencing writers block recently also, but that changed. I'm having an issue with the site uploading my documents however. Are you?
12/7/2014 c1 78the ticking clock
This was beautiful and heart breaking and just WOW. Amazing, amazing story. You've left me speechless and smiling, but still with feeling the heartache. This OTP kills me.

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