Just In
for My recollection

11/26/2019 c2 24LuffyKun3695
Oh it's such a pity that you didn't keep this going. I'm incredibly interested in exactly why JD got drunk and what happened. I hope that you consider picking this back up someday.
1/31/2016 c2 Jen
I've re-read this story a few times; first because its really interesting and very well written, but mostly it's because I'm desperately hoping that one time I do there will be a new chapter! Is it rude to ask for an update? If it is I'm sorry! And all the best!
6/27/2015 c2 Random scrubs fan
I really like this story so far and I know it's been a year but I'd love to see it continued! Good work!
12/27/2014 c1 7Graffiti2DMyHeart
Ah, welcome back to the wonderful world of scrubs fanfiction! I missed you sweetie! I was seriously having the same thoughts of coming back after watching reruns. I cant wait to read more and see what else you come out with. Holy cow JD and Keith I gotta see how this goes.
-Munches on popcorn-

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