Just In
for Wedding Day-jà vu

11/26/2022 c1 Dasgun
6/21/2019 c1 8BubblesToo
Aww i love thisss
5/15/2018 c1 NanaHanSuki I get the title:Day-jà vu/ Dejàvu for Naruto and Sasuke's...ahem...accident. This was both sweet and hilarious although, I lean more towards a Shinto wedding ceremony when I imagine anyone of them getting married, I still liked it very much! I miss Neji-san...
Thanks for writing this!
9/7/2016 c1 Izanami118
Hahahahahahahahaha that was hilarious hahaha especially the part where they were talking about Neji doing Sakura hahaha
4/30/2016 c1 5WarriorQueen124
Omai god, this was the best! I could totally imagine this happening and I wouldn't have it any other way. Great job! And keep writing!
4/22/2016 c1 League Of Villains
Lolol Well done! It was a hit! I laughed and smiled. It was a beautifully done story. Good job!
1/30/2015 c1 2Chocogirl24
Ahahahaha that was hilarious!
12/18/2014 c1 Guest
that blasted ring, really gave me good laugh hahaha, i cant believe they 're stupid enough to even trust it to naruto
12/16/2014 c1 14xx-amaterasu-xx
Oh my god, this is so SWEEEET ! I LOVE IT !
I was laughing so much while reading it, it's so damn awesome, keep it up !
12/13/2014 c1 HungryLemonGames
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my God! I couldn't help but imagine my wedding ending up like that one day! I feel so embarrassed... For Naruto and Sasuke,AND for my imagination. XD Still,love it!
12/13/2014 c1 12zgs1994
aw. crack and love.
12/13/2014 c1 deguchi
12/12/2014 c1 3lvuchiha
this would make a great multi chapter it was awesome! great job
12/12/2014 c1 19WindPretear
Hahahaha! This was a brilliant idea! This makes me wonder if Sasuke and Naruto accidentally kissed again during Sasuke and Sakura's wedding. That idea isn't too far's simply perfect. I hope Kishi gives us a glimpse into the SasuSaku wedding :) Even if it's through wedding pictures!
12/12/2014 c1 Matthew Uchiha
No one enjoyed this more than I did
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