Just In
for Not Without My Brother

7/26/2023 c14 1WriterRider
Ah—THAT was the vision Sam had. Very subtle twist—nice
10/23/2021 c26 VMH
This whole story is the cutest I love it so much! I adore how even when they’re years apart they are still codependent and love each other so much thanks for writing!
9/2/2021 c5 Ginger713
Poor Sammy is having such a hard time. Now, he's sick. He needs hugs and love!
9/2/2021 c4 Ginger713
Dean will get there, because Bobby will help him. Surprised he hasn't told Sammy that he too has lost his Mother.
9/2/2021 c3 Ginger713
Dean's a beginner, but he's trying. Bobby to the rescue!
9/2/2021 c2 Ginger713
Welcome to a hard new stage for both of them. Hope it gets easier soon! Dean is usually good with kids!
9/2/2021 c1 Ginger713
Poor Dean feeling the loss of his matter how good of a Dad he wasn't, you still mourn him.

Dean will step up and do all he can for his little brother. Interesting concept having Sam being soooo young!
1/11/2021 c26 11deansgirl19467
You should know I put this in my favorites just yesterday so I could keep the story forever to come back and read it again after just reading the first few chapters. This is amazing and the role reversal of Sammy comforting Dean instead of the other way around, that's so adorable and I say that too is because he's a smart child. I like this ending plus Chapter 19 ending, either would've worked. I also liked the flashback of his first meeting with Sammy.
1/11/2021 c18 deansgirl19467
Bestest story ever written! I love it! Adult Sammy or Child Sammy, Dean's always going to be the protector. And I want to say something else but can't think of it but I think what I did say covers it.
1/11/2021 c17 deansgirl19467
I hope no-one has said this in your reviews but this story especially this chapter cements that Dean is such a great father and brother wrapped into one package, always has been.
1/11/2021 c16 deansgirl19467
Knew it that they wouldn't be separated forever! And aw now I feel bad for the Carter's. They'll find the perfect child someday hopefully. Even though they didn't have many lines in here, I sort of began to like them but I hate Cletus for kidnapping Sammy. I sense a happy ending even though the stories not finished quite yet.
1/11/2021 c15 deansgirl19467
You really are a great Dean whumper. I love that you keep having him get injured or something. I really love Dean which is why I'm a Dean girl for so many reasons I'm not putting here but I will say one. The main reason being that he's a great big brother. He's so protective when it comes to having a little brother no matter what happens to him.
1/11/2021 c13 deansgirl19467
This chapter had me crying literal tears when he gave up Sammy to those strangers. I say strangers because he doesn't even know Cletus well so how would giving up Sammy to one of Cletus cousins friends help! Dean's making a big mistake but I can see why, it's because he loves Sammy and wants him to be safe. Tell me though, is that really the best option when you think of it once more? Hopefully those strangers are good to him til Dean gets him back. Oh and are you country because you left a authors note about your 'memes' in dedication of her? Really truly love your writing. You're better than me if I say so myself!
12/30/2020 c6 7Hanson-Bradley
I always knew that clowns were evil also love this story I'm rereading it for the second time
12/19/2020 c16 Tay
Wow that was a great read! thank you
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