Just In
for Not Without My Brother

2/26/2015 c14 1Nyx Ro
WAAAH! Poor Sammy! Poor Dean!

I have to admit, I thought Cletus was going to go down the it's-supernatural-so-we-kill-it route, not take the Pokémon Trainer approach.
2/25/2015 c14 355LadyWallace
Sammy no! I want to kill Cletus even more now, and even more violently, if that's possible. Poor poor boys, Dean's all laid up, and Sammy doesn't know what is going on with his brother, and now this. You are being very cruel, my friend ;) But very awesome chapter, lots of suspense! Good job!
2/25/2015 c14 14JazMitch
You're breaking my heart! Shattering it into tiny pieces! Please update soon and please let Dean tear that sonofabitch to shreds! Poor baby Sammy! /3 :-(
2/25/2015 c14 PriWinchester
OMG! Poor Sammy. Can't wait for Dean to heartbreaking to have em apart.
2/25/2015 c14 EmilyAnnMcGarrett-Winchester
No, no, no! When Dean and Bobby catch up with that POS he's gonna be one sorry sob. Poor Sammy! :(
2/25/2015 c14 AzarathMetrionZ
Damn Cletus! I want to kill him. Please make Dean f*** him up. Poor little Sammy. If I ever had a babysitter like that, or if I ever did that, I think I would get grounded for like 3 months.
2/24/2015 c13 12Souless666
Nice chapter. Very sad.
2/21/2015 c13 Dani
Call me paranoid but I have a real bad feeling about this . . Cletus was way too interested in Sammy being some sort of psychic! what if this hunt of his is some deranged way to get rid of Dean to then have access to Sam, to use him . . without a big brother to get in the way?!
2/20/2015 c13 Guest
Dean, whyyyyyyy!?

Why would you leave Sammy? And why would you agree to go with Cletus?! That's the worst idea ever (after leaving Sammy, of course)! I hope Bobby finds you and gives you earache as well as a headache! *pouts petulantly*

I don't know what to think about Bonnie and Henry. I'm not sure I like Henry... but I can't put my finger on why... Maybe it's just the situation... *sigh* poor Sammy!

2/20/2015 c13 12Jess Marylin
Poor guys. This hunt isn't going to take Dean's mind off of Sammy, I don't think.
Poor fellas.
2/20/2015 c13 1Nyx Ro
WAAAH! Poor Sammy! Poor Dean!
2/20/2015 c13 PriWinchester
So heartbreaking. U wrote it so well. And it's just emotional n I hope if there's any reunion, may it be equally emotional and I'm sure u will do a great job. Kudos
2/20/2015 c13 sarah
Broke my heart literally
Leaving sammy like that was horrible
I need the boys back together asap
More plz
2/19/2015 c13 355LadyWallace
Poor boys, leaving Sammy is probably the hardest thing Dean has ever done, and Sammy still doesn't really understand why Dean has to leave him really. Things aren't going to be easy for them for a while :(

And again, was really sorry to hear about your Memaw, been thinking of you *hugs*
2/19/2015 c13 31hotpepper
:(((( poor baby sammy! And poor Dean!
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