1/22/2016 c26 hotshow
I haven't read this chapter yet, but I was wondering, because of the way you ended it, were you planning on writing a sequel? Thank you.
I haven't read this chapter yet, but I was wondering, because of the way you ended it, were you planning on writing a sequel? Thank you.
1/22/2016 c26 3mckydstarlight
AHHHHH! A NEW CHAPTER! I had completely forgotten about this fic until I got that email, then I got super excited! I really hope you keep writing for this fic. Ok, now that I have had my freak out moment I'm going to go and actually read the chapter. Reactions to follow shortly.
Reactions: AWWWW! Poor Sammy and poor Dean. We all know how hard Dean takes it when he fails at a hunt, but now he has Sammy to tell him that it wasn't his fault. Maybe he'll listen to this Sam even if he wouldn't listen to big Sam in the show. :)
AHHHHH! A NEW CHAPTER! I had completely forgotten about this fic until I got that email, then I got super excited! I really hope you keep writing for this fic. Ok, now that I have had my freak out moment I'm going to go and actually read the chapter. Reactions to follow shortly.
Reactions: AWWWW! Poor Sammy and poor Dean. We all know how hard Dean takes it when he fails at a hunt, but now he has Sammy to tell him that it wasn't his fault. Maybe he'll listen to this Sam even if he wouldn't listen to big Sam in the show. :)
11/16/2015 c25 mckydstarlight
I love this! You have written it so well. Will there be any more chapters?
I love this! You have written it so well. Will there be any more chapters?
11/16/2015 c22 mckydstarlight
As soon as you said something about the broken jack I knew what was coming.
As soon as you said something about the broken jack I knew what was coming.
8/28/2015 c25 Guest
Aaaw, little Sammy's managed to get through his first day at Kindergarten and make a friend! This makes me so happy! :)
The whole thing with the taking Dean's picture is a great idea, at least Sammy will always have something to comfort him if he starts missing home.
Aaaw, little Sammy's managed to get through his first day at Kindergarten and make a friend! This makes me so happy! :)
The whole thing with the taking Dean's picture is a great idea, at least Sammy will always have something to comfort him if he starts missing home.