Just In
for Not Without My Brother

1/22/2016 c26 hotshow
I haven't read this chapter yet, but I was wondering, because of the way you ended it, were you planning on writing a sequel? Thank you.
1/22/2016 c26 3mckydstarlight
AHHHHH! A NEW CHAPTER! I had completely forgotten about this fic until I got that email, then I got super excited! I really hope you keep writing for this fic. Ok, now that I have had my freak out moment I'm going to go and actually read the chapter. Reactions to follow shortly.
Reactions: AWWWW! Poor Sammy and poor Dean. We all know how hard Dean takes it when he fails at a hunt, but now he has Sammy to tell him that it wasn't his fault. Maybe he'll listen to this Sam even if he wouldn't listen to big Sam in the show. :)
11/16/2015 c25 mckydstarlight
I love this! You have written it so well. Will there be any more chapters?
11/16/2015 c22 mckydstarlight
As soon as you said something about the broken jack I knew what was coming.
11/16/2015 c17 mckydstarlight
11/16/2015 c16 mckydstarlight
I love that you gave the amulet to Sam!
11/16/2015 c15 mckydstarlight
11/16/2015 c14 mckydstarlight
Well this has taken a turn that I did not expect.
11/16/2015 c13 mckydstarlight
The scene where Dean was sobbing got to me.
11/16/2015 c1 mckydstarlight
I'm looking forward to this already. :)
8/28/2015 c25 31hotpepper
Aww! Cute first day feels!
8/28/2015 c25 Guest
Aaaw, little Sammy's managed to get through his first day at Kindergarten and make a friend! This makes me so happy! :)

The whole thing with the taking Dean's picture is a great idea, at least Sammy will always have something to comfort him if he starts missing home.

8/28/2015 c25 scarletbarnes
Adorable! Loved the chapter
8/28/2015 c25 missingmikey
Very sweet!
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