Just In
for Knock on Wood

1/10/2015 c18 6Krisicake
I love all of your chapters! They are amazing! And my favorite dog is Jessie mostly because I am a Rewt fan.
1/6/2015 c14 Krisicake
Rewt is better! #REWTFTW
1/4/2015 c16 Guest
Actually, Minho is just an average korean name.
Other than that, great story! I couldn't find the OUAT reference :(
1/6/2015 c17 3WildRose22
Nice chapter! Would be sweet to see something from the dogs POV. Update soon!
1/5/2015 c17 1softball007
Good job on the chapter! And I love how Newt ran into the Maze instead of Thomas. That was definitely not expected! Good job!
1/4/2015 c16 softball007
I like Newt's name the way it is but it would be sweet if Rosa called him Isaac every once in a while. Good chapter shank!
12/28/2014 c14 1ClaireReadsxxx
Rewt defo I am in love with this story sooooo good please update like ASAP
12/28/2014 c1 2xuniversalx
This story is my current obsession! I've read most of the chapters already, and I have to say that I love the story. Usually, I wouldn't read stories like this, but theres something about this story that pulls me in. Please update was quick as possible!
12/27/2014 c14 1softball007
I like Rewt more! But both are cute! Great story!
12/24/2014 c12 3WildRose22
Do you even need to ask? Newt is the hottest! Awesome chapter by the way!
12/24/2014 c12 6Krisicake
Newt is hotter
12/23/2014 c12 1softball007
Newt is my fav so he's definitely the hottest! And Thomas Brodie-Sangster in the movie really does him justice! Keep writing and update soon please!
12/21/2014 c9 Duh dog duh
Omg u are ruining my life with cliffhangers! Actually I like cliffies, so it's all good.
12/20/2014 c8 Ladybug Lover
Update soon please! This is good so far! I'm almost on Christmas break but I still have two more days.
12/22/2014 c11 6Krisicake
Rewt is better!
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