Just In
for Knock on Wood

12/21/2014 c9 3WildRose22
A test of LOVE?! YAY! The story is awesome so far, BTW, does Newt die in this story?
12/21/2014 c9 6Krisicake
If Newts name was first in Rewt there couples name would be Nose. Lol.
12/20/2014 c1 2VampireRosieGrey
Awesome! perhaps longer chapters would be even better :)
12/18/2014 c7 Fellow Fangirl
I LOVE THE STORY SO FAR. I ship minho and rain. (im in your science and gym class btw)
12/17/2014 c6 Duh Cat duh
I want to know who the friend is so bad! I'm now going to spend all day wondering who it is. Thanks a lot. No, SERIOSLY now I have something to obsess over other than Harry Potter or Twilight (why Twilight I don't know lol)
12/16/2014 c4 I be duh cat
I'm really liking this so far, hope you post a long and health fic
12/15/2014 c1 Da flower duh
Good fic so far! Are rose and newt gonna fall in love?
12/14/2014 c1 Ruth
This fanfic is awesome!
12/14/2014 c2 3DemigodPrefect
What the heck?
12/14/2014 c2 6Krisicake
Da fuk!? Does anyone else see all the random words numbers and letters?
12/14/2014 c1 5junepepper and Niji
I'm sorry, but "Rose took my nose, I suppose" -Niji
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