Just In
for Petals on the Ground

6/27/2015 c8 29fanofthisfiction
Oh my, the set up and resolution to this left quite an image. What fun it was to read.
6/27/2015 c7 fanofthisfiction
I adored this sweet capture too!
6/27/2015 c6 fanofthisfiction
It was nice you were able to nicely capture a sweet good-bye instead of a tearful one for this family. Kudos to you!
6/26/2015 c5 fanofthisfiction
I have to say this installment has been my favorite so far. It was simply hilarious and wonderfully done. From the set up, all the way to the activation of the Sharingan, made it worthy of a second read. Taking that idea of the stuffed dinosaur and adding in the tantrum of a child missing their favorite sleep toy was just the perfect combination. Thanks for posting this!
6/26/2015 c4 fanofthisfiction
The humor never stops in this tale!. You manage to slide past all artificial pretenses and take the impossible and plant it front and center. I simply adored the use of Kakashi here and even moreso when he brought out the innter thought of Sasuke throughout!
6/26/2015 c2 fanofthisfiction
The tiny push is just the right leap to shake the usually stoic Uchiha and add a little humor to this chapter of the misadventures of Mouth-to-Mouth.
6/26/2015 c1 fanofthisfiction
A steamy side of the this relationship presented in an unexpected way. Fun read indeed!
4/11/2015 c19 1xFlipJamsx
Please update the story. I want to read more
1/8/2015 c19 10ILoveSxS
That was very nice I really liked it
12/29/2014 c14 31GaaraLove4-ever
this was amazing! I loved it and can't wait for more! :)
12/22/2014 c13 fayeuchiharuno
MY HEADCANON! (rolling in the deep)
12/17/2014 c11 10Isuzu Hime
More please! This last chapter was very good!
12/16/2014 c1 Mars
12/16/2014 c11 Khielle
You're such a talented writer! I loved "paperheart." It's so beautiful!
12/16/2014 c5 31GaaraLove4-ever
all your chapter have been a joy to read! :)
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