Just In
for Frostbitten Crimson

12/1/2016 c5 Alsyxx
Hey! I really enjoyed this! Keep up the good work!
3/7/2015 c5 Guest
God, that was perfect. It made me tear up a bit. I love the details.
3/7/2015 c5 Guest
I can't believe it's over :( this was AMAZING!
3/7/2015 c5 16Freedom909
Awww. I'm tearing.
Stop tugging on my heart like that.
I'm so so so happy for a happy ending. Like OHMYGOD, just seriously, I'm thrilled.

This was amazing and tied together do wonderfully! Really great job with this!
3/6/2015 c5 42SmilesThroughFandoms
I loved the ending!
3/6/2015 c5 62astoryinred
And thank you for this ending! There's hope and trepidation, alongside emotions I do not dare to name. It moved me to tears (having been the relative and the med staff in this situation too). Brava!
3/5/2015 c5
This was a beautiful story! Brava! :D
3/5/2015 c4 Guest
This is REALLY good!
2/28/2015 c4 Guest
Please update soon!
1/18/2015 c4 Guest
Awesome story! I'm not sure if I missed it, but why does he have to take medication? Update soon please!
1/14/2015 c4 2musicexpresseswhatwordscan't
That was a sad chapter, but beautifully written! Please update soon!
1/13/2015 c4 16Freedom909
I just want them all to be happy.
Is that so much to ask for? I just want happiness for both Enjolras and Eponine. They deserve it so much.
This story is so painful. Oh god...but it was beautiful. The camping flashback and the Christmas one...and just the parallel between the past and now.

Excellent writing! I really loved it.
1/12/2015 c4 Guest
I love this story! I love ALL your stories! Update soon please :)
1/12/2015 c4 62astoryinred
Awww, poor Enjolras. Here's to hoping for a miracle for him and Eponine.
1/11/2015 c4 thirteenthagent
This story just keeps getting more and more painful with each chapter, but it's so beautiful. The closeness of the Amis and the little bit of fluff mixed in brings tears to my eyes. This is truly beautiful.

I'm going to be 100% honest, this is one of my most favorite stories on this site. It's just so beautifully written and has the perfect amount of fluff and angst and I just sit at my screen with an open mouth after every update. This is truly wonderful.

I loved this update, with the look into their lives together during Christmases before, and I can't wait for the next one. Great job.
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