Just In
for The Stars Rained Down Like Embers

11/30/2022 c23 65honeyMellon
Left you a review over at AO3 too but can I just say, those printed books are gorgeous! I truly enjoyed your writing and I’m so happy to see you publish a printed book! Have you considered changing the names and publishing this as non-fanfiction? You are truly talented!
7/3/2022 c23 Joey394
Dude change the names and you could have a real book you can sell for profit Bc damn this is good
1/26/2022 c23 3The Silver King
This was beautifully written. (So glad I found it when it was complete or I don't know what I would do with myself).It really felt complete at the end, which most stories I've read with somber main character death at the end aren't. Honestly if you rewrote it a little bit to not be copyright infringement you could turn it into a novel. Your ideas were so refreshing but it didn't seem outside possibility. Stellar job! I'll just be on my way to see what else you've written
12/21/2021 c23 NatsuroWolf
This story was absolutely amazing. the characters, the plot, the world, all of it, AMAZING. Really wish there was a sequel, cause I would love to see how Grim will make ichigo's wish come true, and if they will ever meet again. Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful story!
12/12/2021 c23 Guest
I don’t have the words to express how amazing and well-written this story was
9/22/2021 c1 StoriesMakeLife

Not like the utter majority of fics. For it is not a fic but a fairytale. With a writing style befitting a published one. (Not a boringly tedious povs and dialogues of most fics who indeed are fantasy tales too in their concept, but fail to deliver a matching style and pace).

So many tender strokes of written art, so many quiet moments of wonder.

And yet, with all that said, the overtones of the original are still blended in nicely.

Thank you.
9/17/2021 c23 Elizabeth
You have a great talent for writing really. I couldn't stop reading, but most importantly I could feel every emotion you conveyed through the story. I laughed and I cried. If that was your goal then congratulations really because it's a great story and it reaches the heart. I'm so glad in the end you've decided to leave us with the possibility that Ichigo could be reborn. It was too much to take, when be dies, but I see why you did that. I don't know if you'll ever read this comment, but if you do, sorry for my english and a very big thank you for this story! I will certainly remember this as one of the best i've ever read and I'm going to look into your other works. Love
6/14/2021 c23 1Gairu-chan
omg. really?:i was wondering if there'll be a book. your writing is so good. i knew it! such a beautiful story hahaha.
6/14/2021 c6 Gairu-chan
This story is beautiful. I'm so glad I found it. Thank you.
3/13/2021 c22 Guest
I am rioting. This is far too good. I need the ending now before I start burning cities
3/1/2021 c22 8Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
its too gorgeous... im loving it so much. sad to hear its nearing its end <3 <3 <3
2/27/2021 c22 28Leukonoe
For all star and gods beyond them! I'm so happy that is another chapter for this story and I will wait for next with patient couse this is one of the best au fanfick a ever read!
And this ending - this was something that could be predicted but still is heartbroking.
2/27/2021 c22 WhiskyCola
i am in awe, your writing is so captivating ️️️
1/24/2021 c21 Kinoi
Thank you for the update, author! XD
9/17/2020 c21 Lyfetime
Hope this finds you well! I love this story so much, I found it earlier today and read the entire thing already. Very much looking forward to the next chapter! I would have more input for the review except this week has been terrible and making a structured review at midnight is proving rather difficult. Let me know if there's any perspective questions I can answer as a reader!
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