Just In
for Rogue

9/8 c29 1Thatlonelyguy2010
Okay I'm calling it here. Atlas is gonna end up doing some version of the rumbling because he ends up hating everything and using his ability as the coordinate. He ends up killing basically everything before feeling bad so he erases his own memory out of guilt. Whether or not some of his own species is still alive I'm still debating. Tldr, Atlas pulled an Eren and killed everything before giving up. P.S I love your story and it's really good, this is just my prediction.
9/4 c1 kzruai
would you ever consider posting this on ao3? I read this a long time ago but unfortunately I don't use ffn as much anymore, thank you for writing all this time! I was happy to see it had been updated in 2024 , I didn't know it was still going.
8/21 c29 lemaralejndro
Me gusta mucho tu historia espero con ansias el siguiente capĂ­tulo
6/21 c29 hinahyuga67
This is the best story i have read about shingeki no kyojin. I don't have words to describe all the emotions that this story has transmitted to me and i can only say that it is a complete work of art. I really hope to be able to continue reading this wonderful story, so i will be waiting and eager to read the next chapter.
6/21 c16 baltha879
Y'know I've been wondering why the soldiers don't make stuff like knuckle dusters or some armor to cover MC's nape? I get not doing it for Eren in the original since he can't carry it all the time but MC is permanently a titan so he can actually move around with it.
5/18 c9 omiguh
Honestly, armin is an idiot. He could have talked to the higher ups and gave the information that he knew. Even if they didnt believe him, all he would have to say is "tell rouge that mikasa and armin want to see you and that we will take you to them". That will at least make him think. He was trying to be too smart for his own good. The only way i can see this play out is for armin and makasa to go on a raid and then just head for the cove. Because he would never go to them willingly anymore. He's lost all faith with the scouts.
5/15 c29 Guest
Yes! An Update!
5/6 c29 Sweelise
Oh what a blessing to see a new chapter was released! It feels almost unreal each time. I have been so invested in this story for like 5 years, it ain't even funny.
Spent the weekend reading this and the updated chapters. I have to say I like the changes you made, I agree it feels better somehow. I loved the fluffy start all the way to the gory ending, great chapter and as always you end up sitting here wanting more :') so there should be around 2 chapters left of rogues past? While I do so enjoy this part, i can not wait for the present story to start again since it was left on kind of a cliffhanger. Anyways thank you for this one and see you next time!
5/3 c28 Shelby broughton
Please make more chapters
3/27 c1 Pro bono pre-law
The phrase "the titan's gentle rumbling" is very ironic given the actual Rumbling that eventually occurred in the story years after ths was posted
3/17 c3 pelapor022
Carla speaking in swears caught me off guard, I don't think it's really in-character but oh well.

I love the premise, though I'd like to see the paragraphs spaced out a little better.
2/27 c1 TheKillerOrca
yeah the way the titan is already able to understand human language is throwing me off.
i wish you slowly brought that in.
2/15 c10 greerjacqueline32
re-reading* Image if everyone looked at them- lol
2/13 c28 4Streema
Oh thank you very much! I really missed your story ! I missed this adorable Rogue! You didn't give up your wonderful story! Thank you again!
2/10 c21 greerjacqueline32
nahhhhh E- Rogue got some simps oh lawd..
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