Just In
for The First Christmas

1/28/2019 c1 snewby
I adore the characters you've created and want to continue reading the story of Eliza and Fred for as long as you continue writing them.

3/28/2017 c1 mel
omg i loved this, so incredibly well written and such amazing ideas, i love your story so much. i can't wait to read more in ruby's story!
12/28/2014 c1 Scorubes4life
this was lovely :) it was nice seeing them again :) and Hagrid was there too!
12/22/2014 c1 3LUG-14
This is SO beautiful! It's so perfect you made me cry! I love both presents, Eliza's and Fred's. They just love each other so much... I mean, their love is almost tangible through the whole word's series. It took me a few days to read, since it's quite long. I hope you have a Happy Christmas, thank you for this lovely present and I'm sure we all love you very much. Or at least they should. I know for a fact that I do love you.
12/20/2014 c1 xXMizz Alec VolturiXx
yay sooo lovely! this is a perfect little snippet! Have a great Christmas!

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