Just In
for We Choose Joy

8/20/2020 c1 30Natalie Rushman
This is really wonderful X) You characterized them all so well - especially in the dialogue. I liked all the 'erm's and 'a's from Bilbo and Bofur's accent. Great message, too. Too many people I know are waiting for circumstances to make them happy, and it never happens. This - I think - is a much better way to live. And Bofur and Kili were the perfect spokespeople for it X]
4/8/2019 c1 18Luinwen-2013
So true! Dealing with depression taught me this lesson. We must decide, each day. And sometimes more than once a day!
11/29/2015 c1 2NekoHimeAnny
awwww that is so cute and adorable and heart warming and encouraging! It made me smile :)
3/10/2015 c1 7Stardurin1217
This is to cute :)

Yes I agree we all need some happy stuff after the BOTFA
1/13/2015 c1 65Moonraykir
It's nice to see such a perspective on the often dark and difficult events of this story. It makes sense that the dwarves would need a reason to take joy in what they do, even when they know they face mortal dangers at each step of the journey. The story of how Kili came by the toy raven is really cute, too.
12/29/2014 c1 61ncis-lady
All we have to decide what to do with the time that is given to us. What a nice one-shot, made me tear up and smile at the same time. I really liked the way Bofur spoke about his family, you could see how much he cares for them. And Kili carrying that raven all across Middle-earth reminded me of the rune stone - and somehow they both are tied to a promise. A promise to never lose sight of the good things in life, and a promise to return. (How sad that he could only keep one of them.)
12/28/2014 c1 LisaG16
great snippet. love envisioning kili with his stunning big grin! :)
12/26/2014 c1 8x beautifully broken x
This is so cute i,love it!
12/25/2014 c1 5The EarthSong
It's still sad. I know what happens the next day.

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