Just In
for Warm Night In

10/6/2016 c1 13Unseen Watcher
I'm feeling a bit sugared up myself! heh. Very cute. Thanks.
10/26/2015 c1 66Frodo's sister
Warm hearted and sweet.
7/7/2015 c1 9Fleur24
AWE! So cute! I could read about these two cute little dwarflings all day.
3/17/2015 c1 Lovely Lagoon
'He flopped down onto the floor and pumped both fists in the air, pulling the blanket off Fili's head.' HAHAHA. So cute!

'Fili's hands went to his hair, checking to make sure his braids were still in place before wrapping the blanket more securely around the two.' Of course. Typical Fili ;)

This is such an adorable little piece. Now I know that you can write fluff too. Very sweet.
1/31/2015 c1 10The Ghostly Horse
I loved this. Really did, and it's just so... Fíli and Kíli. Thanks.
1/21/2015 c1 92Dragon MoonX
This is so cute! What an adorable sweet little story. Thank you for sharing this. I really enjoyed reading it.
12/31/2014 c1 1SonOfArathorn88
This is just simply so cuteeeeeeeeeeeee! I just watch Battle of the Five Armies, this is what I needed :)
12/29/2014 c1 153happyday girl
Aww this was just precious! Absolutely lovely!
Love little Kili and his fascination with his gummy gaps in his teeth *shudders slightly*
Very very cute!
12/28/2014 c1 Guest
Awwww...Cute! This gave me the fluffies something fierce! Happy holidays to you, Italian Hobbit! Never stop writing your wonderful fics!
12/27/2014 c1 13shades111
Oh my cute! They would totally decide for Fili to punch Kili to get rid of his loose teeth. This was so adorable, especially the part about Kili's toes! Thank you!
12/27/2014 c1 14Death to elves
Aww! So cute! *dies*
12/27/2014 c1 PadBlack
Such a cute and lovely little fic - perfect for Christmas and post-Bofa-feels - I love it!
12/27/2014 c1 1faramirs
I had thought my smiles could not get any more ridiculous, but you have proven me wrong. I think I appear to be a mad woman as a have an enormous, probably really creepy smile of my face...
*tries to remove smile* *Creates mini smiles all over hand*
See? My hand is now smiling.
Just so adorable and :)
12/27/2014 c1 8x beautifully broken x
This is so cute I love it!
12/26/2014 c1 jaymzNonoel
Awwww! That was so adorable! I loved it! :D
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