Just In
for Into the Miasma

12/15/2020 c20 1OneThousandRevisions
So, I've just discovered this fic, and wow. What a ride. That was amazing, and unexpected, and bittersweet. I know it's been years, and hopefully your original work is coming along well. I would love to read it someday.
1/9/2019 c14 inuyasha1brak
omg my heart. I can't!
you're amazing
11/20/2017 c20 Guest
I’m just so disappointed. Everything seemed so rushed like you just wanted to end this and get it all over with. There was just a huge build up and then...nothing. You’re an amazing writer, but I wish this had gone differently.
10/31/2017 c20 Kactuskat16
I can't seem to find the right words to describe the waves of emotion. It's been such a fantastic and emotional ride. I feel like a wreck right now, so I'm sorry if this review isn't perfect in detailing everything I want to praise you on.
You're a fantastic author with such a splendid imagination and I can't wait to read more of your works! I'll keep an eye on Gravity and any other projects you bless us with. Thank you for allowing all of us to join you on this incredible journey and bringing us to the [unexpected] end. I'll miss Reina. I hope she finds peace in her future.
10/31/2017 c20 Guest
I wish I knew how to put into words exactly how I felt reading that Kurama had an affair. I had loved reading your stories and to see the end is emotions are going haywire lol.
10/30/2017 c1 2Selenay Of Antioch

A tragic, but lovely, ending for the long work and road you wrought with Reina and everything. I love it! Thank you for sharing it with us.

I look forward to seeing your next work, where ever it is.
9/16/2017 c19 Kactuskat16
Oh, holy. I'm actually not upset that Kurama went and found comfort in the arms of someone else. You gave him a human weakness, a sort of depth that highlights the difficulty of the situation. I don't know if you'll ever touch on it further, but I'd like to read more on how Kurama decided to engage in an affair. How did he approach it? We see Reina's interpretation, but I feel like we're lacking what went down with Kurama and how his affair went down.
This was a really great chapter. Once again, you leave me shaking my head in wonder because you keep amazing me with such great story telling. I'm excited to see how the story progresses, but I'm sad because I know this amazing series is coming to a close. I've been a fan and an avid reader of your YYH works. I'm really interested in reading your future works when they get published! I feel so blessed to have been such a long time fan of yours.

I'm also VERY interested in seeing Gravity continue. I love how you portray Jin and I'd like to see him get some love! I'll be keeping an eye on Gravity, eagerly awaiting updates to it. :)

Keep up the amazing work! Your mad talent has us all obsessed! You're on a roll!
9/14/2017 c19 Selenay Of Antioch
Here we go. .. I'm so excited, and full of trepidation about this. I'm so thrilled with you, and everything! the mini subplot about Shizuru and Kurama was a tad unexpected, but it helps move the whole thing forward, and cements things for Reina. Now it's full tilt down to the tragic climax. Awaiting anxiously the next chapter you grace us with.
9/2/2017 c18 RandomGushingFan
I know you might not read this, but I have to at least let you know how much I love the entire series you have written! It's so amazingly done and I've been on the edge of my seat reading this! You have done such a wonderful job of writing for each and every character and even creating such a complex and connected plot for the overall series-Excuse me a moment while I randomly freak out over the amazingness...HASJHFLKJKJALSFJ!

I really can't express how much I love this series and your writing! I know it's been years since you last posted, and it may be a long shot, but I really do hope to be able to continue reading and seeing how the series will conclude. My feels are all over the place with this and I'll always be thinking of this series!

It is simply too amazing to ever forget! I truly hope more people can read and appreciate how brilliant this all is!
8/27/2017 c17 Ashley Renee
8/20/2017 c18 Kactuskat16
A beautiful chapter. That's really all I can say. Just beautiful. The time you took to implement that folklore into this story was so well spun. It fit perfectly.

I don't think I have ever enjoyed a fanfic, or a series, as much as I've enjoyed reading yours over the years.
You have no idea how much it means that you still take time to dedicate so much of your life into shaping this epic, seeking to bring it to a proper closure.
8/17/2017 c18 2Baoh joestar
Good chapter, I just few chapters before and just found out kuwabara lost his arm is he going to fight a little? Good chapter.
8/17/2017 c18 2Selenay Of Antioch
Holy crap, this has been such an incredible journey, and i was absolutely so excited to read another chapter. yay! I'm interested to see how this all plays out! thank you, you are incredible!
8/16/2017 c17 Selenay Of Antioch
Oh my gosh! Oh no! Youko is going to be crazy!
8/16/2017 c17 Kactuskat16
A very good chapter. Lighter compared to the last two before it. I'm really excited to see a Reina/Kurama showdown.

Thanks for putting so much into this incredible trilogy! I always enjoy your work!
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